Setting Up your PWF Parameters

There are multiple locations within the .NET controls setup where you will need to specify a URL or property for the system to point to. These parameters are set up within the PWF Parameters form within Personify.


Depending on how you design your website, these PWF Parameters may be defined at different times in the process. If you are designing your website from the top down (i.e., you are defining the overall layout first, then building the pages underneath), the PWF Parameters CANNOT be defined until the building block pages are developed. Therefore, you have the option of creating placeholder parameter values that you are able to fill in later. Since some of the URLs defined on the e-Business web control definition screen are required, this option allows you to select the dummy data to continue. Enter dummy data in the Parameter Value field and come back to fill in the actual URL after the page has been developed. For example, if you are designing your Online Store page using the Product Listing control, the Product Detail pages may not have been developed yet. Therefore, you can define the "Product Detail URL" PWF Parameter with dummy data in the Parameter Value field. Once all of your pages have been defined in e-Business, you can come back to the PWF Parameter and enter the actual URL value.

Note.pngThere are multiple locations within the .NET controls setup where you will need to specify a URL or property for the system to point to, such as an error message. These parameters are set up within the PWF Parameters form within Personify.

If you are designing your website from the bottom up (i.e., your building block pages have been developed and now you are linking them together), the PWF Parameters can be defined first before selecting them in the e-Business web control definition screen. For example, if you have already defined your Product Detail page to be used with the Product Listing web control, you can define the PWF Parameter for "Product Detail URL" and enter the actual URL to be used in the Product Listing web control.

To set up PWF Parameters:

1.    In Personify, type PWFparameters into the command line, as highlighted below. .

2.    Click Create New Web Pwf Parameter.

3.    Depending on the requirements of your website and web controls, you may need the URLs listed in the table below.

Note.pngPlease keep in mind that depending on your business requirements, some of these URLs may not already exist. For example, if you do not have a specific page that displays contact information, the Contact Us URL may not exist.



Web Control

Search Page URL

Used in Read Only mode to redirect when a breadcrumb is clicked in the Breadcrumb web control.

Breadcrumb Control

Product Detail URL

Clicking an item from one of the web controls will redirect the web user to this page with the product ID set in the QueryString. If you do not want a specific URL to open based on the Product Type, use this URL.

Product List Control

Create Product Review Control

Full Product List Control

Bought This Bought That Control

Category Control

Cross-Sell Control

Historical Orders Control

Page Content Control

Profile Control

Up-Sell Control

Featured Control

My Subscription Control

My Meetings Control

Digital Content Access Control

Product Meeting URL

All meeting products will be redirected to this page with the product ID set in the QueryString.

Product List Control

Full Product List Control

Bought This Bought That Control

Category Control

Cross-Sell Control

Historical Orders Control

Page Content Control

Profile Control

Up-Sell Control

Featured Control

Inventory Product URL

All Inventory products will be redirected to this page with the product ID set in the QueryString.

Product List Control

Full Product List Control

Bought This Bought That Control

Category Control

Cross-Sell Control

Historical Orders Control

Page Content Control

Profile Control

Up-Sell Control

Featured Control

Digital Product URL

All DCD products will be redirected to this page with the product ID set in the QueryString.

Product List Control

Full Product List Control

Bought This Bought That Control

Category Control

Cross-Sell Control

Historical Orders Control

Page Content Control

Profile Control

Up-Sell Control

Featured Control

Member Product URL

All Member products will be redirected to this page with the product ID set in the QueryString.

Product List Control

Full Product List Control

Bought This Bought That Control

Category Control

Cross-Sell Control

Historical Orders Control

Page Content Control

Profile Control

Up-Sell Control

Featured Control

Subscription Product URL

All Subscription products will be redirected to this page with the product ID set in the QueryString.

Product List Control

Full Product List Control

Bought This Bought That Control

Category Control

Cross-Sell Control

Historical Orders Control

Page Content Control

Profile Control

Up-Sell Control

Featured Control

Transcript Product URL

All Transcript products will be redirected to this page with the product ID set in the QueryString.

Product List Control

Full Product List Control

Bought This Bought That Control

Category Control

Cross-Sell Control

Historical Orders Control

Page Content Control

Profile Control

Up-Sell Control

Featured Control

Misc Product URL

All Miscellaneous products will be redirected to this page with the product ID set in the QueryString.

Product List Control

Full Product List Control

Bought This Bought That Control

Category Control

Cross-Sell Control

Historical Orders Control

Page Content Control

Profile Control

Up-Sell Control

Featured Control

Certification Product URL

All Certification products will be redirected to this page with the product ID set in the QueryString.

Product List Control

Full Product List Control

Bought This Bought That Control

Category Control

Cross-Sell Control

Historical Orders Control

Page Content Control

Profile Control

Up-Sell Control

Featured Control

Fundraising Product URL

All Fundraising products will be redirected to this page with the product ID set in the QueryString.

Product List Control

Full Product List Control

Bought This Bought That Control

Category Control

Cross-Sell Control

Historical Orders Control

Page Content Control

Profile Control

Up-Sell Control

Featured Control

Package Product URL

All Package products will be redirected to this page with the product ID set in the QueryString.

Product List Control

Full Product List Control

Bought This Bought That Control

Category Control

Cross-Sell Control

Historical Orders Control

Page Content Control

Profile Control

Up-Sell Control

Featured Control

Product Listing URL

The URL of the Product List page to redirect to if Navigate On Select is enabled.

Navigation Bar Control

Login URL

The URL of the web user Login page.

Product Detail Control

Membership Join User Already Exists Control

Membership Join URL

The URL to open when the web user clicks the Join option on the Product Detail page.

Product Detail Control

Contact Us URL

The URL to open when the web user clicks the Contact Us option on the Product Detail page.

Product Detail Control

All Reviews URL If Other Page

The URL to open when the web user clicks the Read All Reviews link on the Product Detail page.

Product Detail Control

Create Review URL

The URL to open when the web user clicks the Write a Review option on the Product Detail page.

Product Detail Control

View Cart Page URL

The URL of the View Cart options page.  .

Product Detail Control

Membership Join Bigger Impact Control

Checkout Page URL

The URL to open when the web user clicks the Checkout option on the Product Detail page.

Product Detail Control

Order Summary Page URL

The URL to open when the web user clicks the View Registration link on the My Meetings control or the order number on the Digital Content Access control.  

My Meetings Control

Digital Content Access Control

Pay Order Page URL

The URL that will direct web users to the page where they can pay their open orders.  

Donation History Control

Membership Renew (Profile)

My Subscriptions Control

My Order Balance Control

Membership Renewal Control

Error Message

All error message fields will be redirected to the default error message.

My Contact Information Control

My Meetings Control

My Subscriptions Control

My Membership Summary Control

My Order Balance Control

Address Control

Photo Control



Demographic Information

Name and Demographics

Special Needs

Username and Password

Committees Control

Membership Summary Control

Membership Renew (Profile)

Current Membership Control

Future Membership Control

Certification Current Control

Certifications in Progress Control

Certifications History Control

Educational Background Control

Transcripts Control

Communication Preferences Control

Phone Control

Email Control

Web/Social Media Control

Fax Control

Emergency Contacts Control

Opt In/Out Preferences Control

Digital Content Access Control

Donation History Control

Purchase History Control

Membership Renewal Control

Membership Listing Control

Membership Join Registration Control

Membership Login Control

Membership Join User Already Exists Control

Image Directory

This URL should direct your web users to the folder where you store your images.

My Contact Information Control

Photo Control

Membership Join Register URL

The URL that will direct web users to the page with the membership join process.

My Membership Summary Control

Membership Listing Control

Membership Join User Already Exists Control

Renew Membership URL

The URL the will direct web users to the membership renew page.

My Membership Summary Control

Membership Renew (Profile)

Membership Renewal Control

Membership Details URL

The URL that will direct web users to the page with more details about their membership.

My Membership Summary Control

Certification Details URL

The URL that will direct web users to the page with more information about their certifications.

Certification Current Control

Certifications in Progress Control

Profile Page URL

The URL to open when web users clicks Return on the Membership Renewal control.

Membership Renewal Control

Membership Join Listing URL

The URL that will direct web users to the page where they view all the membership listings.

Membership Renew (Profile)

Membership Join Registration Control

Membership Join User Already Exists Control

Membership Join Options Control

Membership Join Bigger Impact Control

Membership Join Step 2

The URL to open when web users click Next on the Membership Join Registration control.

Membership Join Registration Control

Membership Join User Exist URL

The URL to open when the web users click Provide Registration Details on the Membership Join User Already Exists control.

Membership Join Registration Control

Forgot Password URL

The URL to open when the web users click Email Instructions on the Membership Join User Already Exists control.

Membership Join User Already Exists Control

Product Images URL

The URL that will display product images to the web user.

Membership Join Registration Control

Membership Join Options Control

Membership Join Bigger Impact Control

Membership Join Step 3 URL

The URL to open when web users click Next on the Membership Join Options control.

Membership Join Options Control

Local Order Create URL

The URL that will create an order for web users.

Membership Join Options Control

Membership Join Bigger Impact Control

4.    Click Save.