Step 2: Reviewing Membership Options Control

The Reviewing Membership Options control displays subscription benefits, free components, and zip-linked chapters to your constituents. These details reinforce the value of membership.
This is also the step in the join process where the user can select a different rate code, if desired. As rates are selected, the list of benefits may change.  

Note.png If you do not have zip-linked chapters, free components, or subscription benefits, they will not display in this control. Only the name of the membership, its image and short description will display in the main body of the page.

Before configuring the Reviewing Membership Options control, it is important that your back office configurations for benefits, subscriptions, and zip-linked chapters are accurate. Many of the system types and codes are used in both the Enterprise (back office) and in the e-Business website. It is important to make sure to web enable in the back office the system types and codes that you want to display on the e-Business website or they will NOT display on the web. See Configuring the Back Office Settings for the Reviewing Membership Options Control for more information on the system types and codes that need to be web-enabled before setting up this control. Additionally, see Configuring the Web Settings for the Reviewing Membership Options Control.

Note.pngAs a best practice, make sure to test your website before releasing it to your constituents in order to ensure that all settings are configured properly.

Customer Impact

After setting up the Reviewing Membership Options control, your constituents will see the control similar to the one displayed below.