Insertion Orders

In the advertising business, orders placed by advertisers are referred to as “insertion orders.” Because advertising orders capture information not found in other types of orders in Personify, there is a separate Advertising Order Entry screen. Although advertising orders can be entered through the standard Order Entry screen, TMA Resources recommends you use the Advertising Order Entry screen.


The creation of an advertising insertion order first requires the selection of an advertising contract (if necessary), followed by choosing an advertising media, the advertisement type, and advertisement size.


Insertion orders differ from other orders in Personify in many ways:

·            Advertising products generally contain multiple insertion orders, i.e., one order master collects order detail records for each time an advertisement is to appear in an issue plus the detail lines for the various surcharges involved in the order.

·            Contracts are usually associated with advertising orders. The information from those contracts default many of the fields on an insertion order, including:

o           The bill-to customer

o           The ship-to customer

o           The advertising agency

o           The rate structure and/or rate code

o           The contract can also restrict the advertising media for which the insertion order is created.

·            Advertising order lines receive an insertion order number. This allows groups of order lines to be grouped together as a single insertion order.

·            Pricing:

o           Some advertising fees are calculated as a percentage of other fees in the insertion order

o           Some advertising fees are calculated based upon a schedule (rate card)

·            Advertising orders are not invoiced until the advertisement is published (i.e., for a print advertisement, when the issue is mailed to subscribers or, for a Web advertisement, the first day the advertisement displays on the site).

·            Advertisements can optionally be associated with an insertion order.


From the Insertion Order Maintenance screen, you can perform the following tasks:

·            Accessing Insertion Order Maintenance

o           Creating an Insertion Order

·            Viewing Insertion Order Line Item Details

·            Maintaining Ad Creative

·            Adding Insertion Products and Services

·            Adding Insertion Order Sales Representatives

·            Maintaining Insertion Order Product Information

·            Maintaining Advertising Content

·            Maintaining Classified Text

·            Creating a Duplicate Insertion Order

·            Reviewing Order Pricing Summary

·            Maintaining a Payment Schedule