Maintaining Ad Creative

For advertisers who have ad creatives in the Personify database, you can use the Maintain Ad Creative link to select which ad creative to use for this insertion order. Otherwise, information about the advertisement can be entered on the insertion order, including a description of the advertisement, a directory description for the advertiser, a URL, additional comments, etc.

To maintain your ad creative:

1.    From the Insertion Order Details screen, click Maintain Ad Creative from the Insertion Order Details task category.
The Insertion Order Ad Management screen displays, as shown below.image47.jpg

2.    Click the Ad ID link.
The Generic Chooser displays with all of the Advertiser’s ad creatives listed. Select the ad creative you want related to this order line.
The information from the ad creative populates the fields.

3.    Click Save.

4.    Click Close.
The Insertion Orders details screen displays.