Duplicate Customer Merge Batch Process

The duplicate customer merge process includes the following steps:

1.    Copy the following Dlls into the APPL folder from ...\Appserver\\Backoffice\Dev:

·            TIMSS.API.Base.dll

·            TIMSS.API.Core.dll

·            TIMSS.API.Generated.dll

·            TIMSS.API.Interfaces.dll

·            TIMSS.Client.Implementation.dll

·            TIMSS.CommunicationLayer.dll

·            TIMSS.Server.BusinessImplementation.dll

·            TIMSS.Server.Implementation.dll

·            TIMSS.Shared.dll

2.    Create a "Config" folder in the APPL folder. Copy the config.xml file from the ...\Appserver\\Backoffice\Dev\Config and paste it in the Config folder in the APPL folder.

3.    Ensure that there is an entry for “TRS” interface in APP_INTERFACE_PARAMETER table for the following parameters:

·           TRS_USER_ID = admin

·            TRS_USER_PASSWORD = password of the admin user

4.    Define duplicate matching rules using the Duplicate Customer Setup screen.

5.    Run the CUS590 report.

6.    Review the potential duplicate records and select the record to retain using the Duplicate Customer Verification (CUS100) screen.

7.    Run the CUS595 report.

8.    Run the CUS595_FILES process.


Note.pngAdditionally, the following entries must exist in the SSO database to run the Duplicate Merge Deletion functionality:
- In the vendorwebservicesecurity table, the WebServiceUri method SSODeleteDuplicateCustomer must exist for the respective vendor.
- In the WebService table, the WebServiceUri method
SSODeleteDuplicateCustomer must exist.
- The DeleteDuplicateCustomer stored procedure must exist to delete the orphan records.