On a periodic basis, you should run the CUS590 - Potential Duplicate Customer Identification batch job s which scans the database or some subset of it for potential duplicates based on the fields and thresholds you defined on the Duplicate Customer Setup screen for CUS590. This process generates a report and populates tables that make verification and consolidation easier.
If you find that you are receiving too many or too few duplicates, revisit the Duplicate Customer Setup screen to review the match fields and lengths you selected.
To run the CUS590 report:
1. From the toolbar, select Reporting > Batch Job Submission.
2. Enter
“CUS590” in the Application field and click Search.
The CUS590 Job Submission screen displays, as shown below.
3. Highlight the appropriate Setup Code under User Setups. These include:
· CUS590_A – Potential duplicate customer identification for a state (select the state using the Filter on the Advanced Job Parameter tab)
· CUS590_B – General potential duplicate customer identification process (will most likely return many results)
4. Enter
the appropriate parameters in the Job Parameters tab.
The parameters include:
· Subtitle – The subtitle of the report. This displays on the report.
· Run Mode – Click the link to select to run the report in EDIT mode or PROD mode. EDIT mode does not update the database, but instead generates a report of potential duplicate customers. PROD mode generates the report and updates the database.
· Threshold – The number of items defined on the Duplicate Customer Setup screen for CUS590 that should match between records to be considered a duplicate record. For example, if you enter 5 in this field, then 5 parameters defined on the Duplicate Customer Setup screen for CUS590 must match to be considered a duplicate. You cannot add a threshold higher than 6.
· Ignore not a duplicate flag – If the “Exclude from Duplicate Processing” checkbox is checked on the Customer Demographics screen, but you want to override that here, then enter “Y” as the value for this field. If you want to retain the original selection, then enter “N” as the value for this field.
you click in a field, the parameter help text displays to provide information
on the parameter.
5. On
the Advanced Job Parameter tab, enter the appropriate state code to filter
the results by. For example, the following statement will filter the results
by Virginia:
in (Select master_customer_id from cus_address where state = 'VA')
6. Select the Output Files tab and enter the printing information.
7. Select the appropriate option from the TRS Tasks task category:
· Upload input file – This is not the file for the report.
· Run this report now
· Submit to TRS server
· Submit on hold
· Schedule this request
The following is a sample report. The report
layout below is a portrait formatted printing on a laser printer, grouped
and sorted by Group ID.