Configuring Multi-Currency for the Back-Office

Configuring Personify for the multi-currency functionality only takes a few, simple steps. The majority of the process’s functionality occurs “behind-the-scenes” as a part of the application’s code.


This section explains how to configure Personify to recognize your base currency as well as accept other invoice and payment currencies by mapping receipt types to specific merchant accounts and currencies. It also shows you how to enter exchange rates for converting foreign currencies to your base currency and configure your e-Business settings.

Note.pngWhen working with your merchant accounts and mapping them with receipt types, make sure you use the settings you configured with your Payment Handler upon registration.
Personify provides URLs on the Interface Parameter Maintenance screens (APP014B) to both the CyberSource and Payflo Pro (formerly Verisign) websites.

After configuring your application, you can set up any product to accept foreign currencies, create receipts with foreign currencies, and track invoices with multiple currencies.

To configure multi-currency for back-office:

·            Creating Currency Codes and Exchange Rates

·            Setting Your Organization’s Base Currency

·            Configuring Merchant Accounts

·            Creating and Mapping Receipt Types