Adding a Contact Tracking Record to a Constituent's Record in CRM360®

Note.pngIf you start adding a new contact tracking record, but navigate away before saving it, when you try to again select any of CRM360’s tasks/links for contact tracking, that record will come up and a warning message will display on the bottom, right of the screen. This record will display no matter how you try to access contact tracking – either a detail record or the list. You must do something with this record before you will be allowed to proceed. Either you can save the record, or if you wish to remove it, you can select the refresh button and select "No" when asked if you wish to save their changes. Please note that if you have made other changes since you initiated the contact tracking, then go ahead and save, then delete the contact tracking record if it is not desired.

To add a new contact tracking record in CRM360:

1.    From the Background Information task category in CRM360, click Activity and Contact Tracking.
The list of activities and contact tracking records display below the header in CRM360.

2.    Click New.

3.    Please note that the Contact Tracking for field does NOT display in CRM360 detail page because the header already identifies the "owner" of the record. This field will only display when a contact tracking record is created from the Contact Tracking stand-alone screen. For more information, please see Viewing a Constituent's Contact Tracking Records in Contact Tracking. For example, if you open CRM360 for Sam Jones, you may find a record where he is the Person Contacted but the record actually belongs to a company he has been working with. When you double-click to open it, the stand-alone Contact Tracking screen opens because Sam does not “own” the record. Sam’s information will be in the header, but the “Contact Tracking For” field will indicate that the company was the reason for the record.

4.    For company records, the Person Contacted defaults to the "Main Contact", if that relationship has been defined. Click this link to open the constituent in a new CRM360 tab. You can select a different constituent, if necessary, by clicking the Person Contacted link. You can also right-click the linked constituent and select Clear to display a text box for manual entry of a constituent that does not already exist in Personify. If a main contact relationship does NOT exist for the company, either click the Person Contacted link to search for the appropriate constituent in Personify or manually enter the person contacted if they do not already exist in Personify.
For example, if Sam Jones has a "Main Contact" relationship defined with XYZ Company, his name will default as the Person Contacted on all contact tracking records for XYZ Company. If a different employee of XYZ Company was contacted, click the Person Contacted link to select a different constituent.

For individual records, the Person Contacted defaults to the constituent open in CRM360. If the Person Contacted is NOT the selected constituent, either click the Person Contacted link to search for the appropriate constituent in Personify or manually enter the person contacted if they do not already exist in Personify.
For example, if the contact tracking record is for Sam Jones but his wife called, enter the wife's name in the text box or click the Person Contacted link to search for her record in Personify.

5.    For individual records only, the "On Behalf Of" field displays. By default, this field will automatically populate with the constituent's primary employer, if defined. If necessary, you can change this by clicking the On Behalf Of link to search for an existing constituent in Personify. To remove the On Behalf Of constituent, right-click the link and select Clear.

6.    By default, the Staff Assigned automatically populates with the logged in user. If necessary, select a different Staff Assigned from the drop-down.
Only active users that are defined on the User Maintenance screen will display in this drop-down.

Note.pngIf a staff person has been assigned to a topic/subject combination, the Staff Assigned will automatically change when that topic/subject is selected on the contact tracking record. For more information, please see Assigning Staff a Call Topic.

7.    If necessary, click Email Staff to open a blank email to the selected Staff Assigned.
As a courtesy, we recommend that you click the "Email Staff" button to give that person a heads up. Note that emails sent to staff are not captured within the contact tracking record for future reference. Depending on the parameter value for the ENABLE_OUTLOOK parameter, the email will open in Outlook, the Personify Send E-Mail (APP140) screen, or the Outlook Plug-In.

8.    By default, the Staff Originator automatically populates with the logged in user and cannot be changed.

9.    If necessary, select the Mark Private checkbox.
If selected, this record will only display for the user who created the record and admin users.

10.  From the Tracking Details section, select the following information when appropriate:

·           Completed?: if this contact tracking record is complete at the same time as creation, check this checkbox. The date field to the right enables and today's date is selected by default. If necessary, change the completion date. Contact tracking fields can be marked as completed at a later time if necessary. If you select this checkbox during record creation, the Due Date is removed.

·           Contact Date: by default, this date is set to today. Change this if necessary.

·           Due Date: by default, this date is set to today. Change this if necessary. This is the date in which the contact tracking record should be complete. If this date is set to a date in the future, the "Future" button will enable in the bottom, left corner of the Personify application for the Staff Assigned, as shown below.
If this date is set to today, the "Due Today" button will enable in the bottom, left corner of the Personify application for the Staff Assigned, as shown below.
If this is set to a date in the past, the "Overdue" button will enable in the bottom, left corner of the Personify application for the Staff Assigned, as shown below.

Additionally, the red overdue icon will display to the left of the record in the list of all activities and contact tracking records for the constituent in CRM360, as shown below.

·           Contact Type: for example, "Phone Inbound" or "Fax Outbound". Values are populated based on the non-fixed MRM "CALL_TYPE" system type. Please note that the Contact Type selected here will display as the second column in the Latest Interactions grid on the main page of CRM360.

·           Topic: for example, "Address" or "Order Status". Values are populated based on the non-fixed MRM "CALL_TOPIC" system type.

·           Subject: for example, if "Address" is selected as the Topic, the Subject could be "Address Change" or "Address Validation". Values are populated based on the subcodes defined for the non-fixed MRM "CALL_TOPIC" system type.

If you want to add more than one topic/subject to the contact tracking record, click the
More link to open the More Topics and Subjects window, as shown below.
Check the checkbox next to the desired subject(s) and click Save. When a user accesses this contact tracking record in the future, the More link displays the number topic/subject(s) selected on this screen. Additionally, you can click the Show Selected Only link to display only the topic/subjects that have been checked. This is beneficial for users at organizations with an extensive list of topics/subjects so they can see only selected topics/subjects.

Note.pngIf a topic/subject is checked that has been assigned to a staff person on the Staff Assignments (MRM000C) screen, when you click Save, the system will automatically create a follow-up record and assign it to the appropriate assigned staff person. Also, keep in mind that the Completed? checkbox will be disabled on the parent contact tracking record until the record is saved. This is a precaution so a staff person does not automatically mark child follow-up records as complete.

Additionally, because more than one staff member can be set up to auto-assign for Topic and/or Subject, the system will look at the number of calls assigned (displayed on MRM000C) and choose the user with the least number of calls – to balance the load.

    ·            Standard Letter: click this link to open the Choose Standard Letter screen and search for a standard letter to attach to the contact tracking record. The standard letters displayed in the Choose Standard Letters screen search results are specific to the organization/organization unit of the logged in user.

    ·            Click Print to open the standard letter in Microsoft Word, as shown below. If the standard letter contains merged fields, those fields will automatically populate with the constituent's information.

    ·            Click Email to open the standard letter in an email, as shown below. Depending on the parameter value for the ENABLE_OUTLOOK parameter, the email will open in Outlook or in the Personify Send E-Mail (APP140) screen. For individual records, the constituent's primary email address will populate the To field. For company records, the Contacted Person’s email address will populate the To field. If no person contacted is selected, the company's primary email address will populate the To field.

Note.pngBe careful when generating a standard letter for an anonymous constituent because it may contain merged fields that cannot be inserted unless a constituent record exists. Use the Print button to preview the contents before sending.

    ·           Details: enter the details of the correspondence in this field.

    ·           Resolution: if the contact tracking record is marked as complete, enter details about the resolution in this field.
    For example, if a constituent calls to complain about slow shipping, the user can look up and see what others did about the problem.

    ·           Key Code: if a key code is associated with the correspondence, select it here. This code identifies the combination of the marketing piece (e.g., brochure, mailing, etc.) and list code used to solicit the customer. If the key code selected is associated with a market and/or list code, the market code and/or list code will automatically populate. Right-click the market code and/or key code and select Clear to remove these if necessary.

    ·           Market Code: if a market code is associated with the correspondence, select it here. This code identifies the source of an order if it is based on a promotion created for a marketing campaign.

    ·           List Code: if a list code is associated with the correspondence, select it here. This code identifies the mailing list from which the customer was solicited.

    ·           Campaign: if this correspondence is associated with a particular campaign, select it here.

    ·           Fund: if this correspondence is associated with a particular fund, select it here.

    ·           Appeal: if this correspondence is associated with a particular appeal, select it here.

    ·           Pertains to Order/Gift: if this correspondence is regarding a particular order or gift, click this link to open the Order Chooser, as shown below. The Order Chooser only displays orders and gifts in which the selected constituent is the bill-to customer or line-level ship-to customer. Please note that the Order/Gift Status in the search parameters searches against the Order Master status. The Line Status in the search results is the Order Detail status and may not match the Order master status.

11.  Click the Create Follow-Up link to create a follow-up record for this contact tracking record.

12.  Click the Attach File link to attach and view files to this contact tracking record.
The Attachment window displays, as shown below. Click Browse to add a new attachment to this contact tracking record. The Attach File link will display the number of attachments in parentheses. For example, if a contact tracking record has two attachments, the link will display: Attach File (2).

13.  Click the Email link to open a blank email to this constituent.
The Person Contacted email address will default in the To field on the email. If a Person Contacted constituent does not exist, the Contact Tracking for email address will default into the To field on the email. The On Behalf Of email address will default to the CC field. If the Staff Assigned selected is different than the staff user creating the email, that Staff Assigned email will default to the BCC field on the email.

Note.png Please note that if a standard letter has been attached to the contact tracking record, the body of the standard letter will display in the email. Depending on the parameter value for the ENABLE_OUTLOOK parameter, the email will open in Outlook or in the Personify Send E-Mail (APP140) screen.

Note.png If an email has already been sent from this contact tracking record, this link will display "View Email" instead. Click this link to open the saved email in your default email window. Personify only captures one email per Contact Tracking item. If you want to reply or forward an existing email or send a new email, it is recommended that you do so from a follow-up record.

14.  Click Save.
As of 7.4.0SP1, if the customer for which you created the contact tracking record has a primary employer relationship, the Employer Master Customer ID and Sub Customer ID is saved Cus_Activity table. Please note that there is no process in which to keep this information current. The purpose of this functionality is to capture the primary employer information at the time of record creation.