Processing a New List

To process a new list:

1.    From the toolbar, select Marketing & Communication > Communication Production Control.
The List Communication Information search screen displays.

Note.pngYou can also access this screen from the Marketing Launch screen by clicking “Generate Communication to List Members.”

2.    Click Process a New List.
The List Communication Information screen displays, as shown below.

3.    From the Define List Communication section, edit the system generated Key Code, if necessary.

4.    By default, the logged in user is assigned to this list. If necessary, click the Assigned To link to select a different user to assign to this list.

5.    Click the List Code link to select a list from the database.

6.    If you are creating a list that is marketing-related, click the Market Code link to select a market code from the database.

7.    The Communication Description defaults to “Key Code” + [Key Code]. If necessary, change this description.

8.    If necessary, select the Subsystem to which this list applies from the drop-down.
For example, the Exhibition subsystem may involve the necessary contact of individuals or other companies in a marketing effort to advertise information about an upcoming association exhibition.

9.    If necessary, select the Department to which this list applies from the drop-down.
Options in the drop-down are populated based on the codes defined for the non-fixed MKT “DEPARTMENT” system type.

10.  By default, the Destination Vendor is “Personify”. To process a list for Lyris, select “Lyris”.
For more information, see Sending a List to Lyris.

11.  If you want to Exclude Customers Who Have Requested “Do Not Call” Status, check the checkbox.

12.  Click 2. Define Communication Output, as highlighted below.
The Define Communication Output screen displays, as shown below.

13.  From the Send Using Customer’s Preferred or User’s Priority Mode drop-down, select if you want to send using customers’ preferred type of communication (Preferred) or based on the your organization’s preference (Priority).

14.  Select the checkboxes next to the priority methods (Email, Fax, File, or Letter/Label) in the order you want them to be sent.
The system will assign a number to each category with a 1 next to the first method you select.

Note.pngEven if you have selected to use the customer’s preferred method of communication, you should determine an order for subsequent methods of communication, to account for those users who have not specified a preferred means of contact.

15.  To define letter communication, perform the following:

a.    From the Letter/Label section, click the Letter Template link to select the appropriate template as defined.

b.    If the communication is a label, select the Label Format from the drop-down.
Options in the drop-down are delivered with Personify and un-editable.

16.  To define email communication, perform the following:

a.    From the Email section, click the Email Template link to select the appropriate email template as defined.

b.    Enter the sender’s name and email address in the Sender’s Email and Sender’s Name fields.

17.  Click 3. Define Recipient Communication History and Generate, as highlighted below.
The Define Recipient Communication History and Generate screen displays, as shown below.

18.  To create a contact tracking history of this communication, perform the following:

a.    Check the Create Contact Tracking checkbox.

b.    If necessary, select the Call Topic of the contact tracking record to be created from the drop-down.
Options in the drop-down are populated based on the codes defined for the non-fixed MRM “CALL_TOPIC” system type.

c.    If necessary, select the Subject of the contact tracking record to be created from the drop-down.
Options in the drop-down are populated based on the subcodes defined for the non-fixed MRM “CALL_TOPIC” system type.

19.  To create a fundraising appeal activity of this communication, perform the following:

a.    Check the Create Fundraising Appeal Activity checkbox.

b.    If necessary, select a Campaign from the drop-down.
Options in the drop-down are populated based on the campaigns defined on the Campaign Definition and Maintenance screen. For more information, please see Defining Campaigns.

c.    If necessary, select a Fund from the drop-down.
Options in the drop-down are populated based on the funds defined on the Fund Definition and Maintenance screen. For more information, please see Defining Funds.

d.    Select an Appeal from the drop-down.
Options in the drop-down are populated based on the appeals defined on the Appeal Definition and Maintenance screen. For more information, please see Defining Appeals.

e.    Select the Appeal Type from the drop-down.
Options in the drop-down are populated based on the codes defined for the non-fixed FND “APPEAL_ACTIVITY” system type.

20.  Click Generate Communication.
The system runs the MKT800 batch process. A confirmation pop-up window displays asking you if you wish to review the status of the job.

Note.pngTo open the Submission Status screen and view the status of your Generate List Communication job, simply click Status. From this screen, you can also see the status of all previous Generate List Communication jobs.

Screen Element Description

Define List Communication

Key Code Text field. The system generates a key code that identifies this specific communication. The key code represents a combination of list code (which identifies who received the communication) and the market code (which identifies the content of the communication). You can change this code to be more applicable to your organization.
Assigned To

Link. This field defaults to the currently logged in user. You can click the link to display a list of users to assign the list communication to.

List Code Link. Before a communication can be sent to customers, you must select the marketing list by clicking the List Code link. This is a required field.
Usage Limits Link. This field only appears when the selected list’s creation method is Prospect List Import or if the selected list is a merged list containing one or more Prospect List Import lists. Click to display the List Usage Rules screen and view the defined restrictions.
Market Code Link. When used, a market code identifies the content of the communication being sent to customers on the selected marketing list. This field is not required, but if the communication is marketing-related, it is recommended that a Market Code be assigned so that you can analyze the effectiveness of the selected set of customers and track the marketing message. If the communication is not a solicitation, a market code should not be assigned.
Communication Description Text field. Enter a description for this list communication in this field.
Subsystem Drop-down. This field allows you to assign a subsystem to the communication to help categorize all your lists. If your organization creates many list communications, selecting a value for subsystem will help you keep these lists organized. This field is optional.
Department Drop-down. This field allows you to categorize your communication by department. If your organization creates many list communications, selecting a value for department will help you keep these lists organized. This field is optional.
Destination Vendor Drop-down. Click the drop-down to select the user-defined destination vendor code. Once defined, this information can be sent to a third-party marketing application.
Exclude Customers Who Have Requested “Do Not Call” Status Checkbox. You can define your communication to generate a data file, which can generate a call list with customer names and phone numbers. If this is the case, select this checkbox to exclude those customers who requested to be put on the “Do Not Call” registry.
Exclude Market Code Duplicates Checkbox. This checkbox appears after selecting a market code and tabbing out of the field. A communication being used to send a purchase or donation solicitation to customers can be marked to exclude customers who have already used the market code defined with this communication in an order or contact tracking record.
Follow List Rules Checkbox. This checkbox appears when a list with the creation method: Prospect List Import has been selected. This flag enforces any restrictions defined with the imported list.

Define Communication Output

Send Using Customer's Preferred or User's Priority Mode Drop-down. Communications can be sent to the customers on a marketing list based on either the customer's preferred method of communication (Preferred) or based on the user's preferred method of communication (Priority). If "preferred" is selected, specify the priority order to be used to select a communication method for customers who have indicated their preferred method of communication.
Email Checkbox/Number field. Select the checkbox to define the priority order for sending an email. The number field defaults to the order you select email, fax, file, or letter label.
Fax Checkbox/Number field. Select the checkbox to define the priority order for sending a fax. The number field defaults to the order you select email, fax, file, or letter label.
File Checkbox/Number field. Select the checkbox to define the priority order for sending a file. The number field defaults to the order you select email, fax, file, or letter label.
Letter/Label Checkbox/Number field. Select the checkbox to define the priority order for sending a letter. The number field defaults to the order you select email, fax, file, or letter label.
Letter Template Link. Click the link to select a predefined letter template.
Email Template Link. Click the link to select a predefined email template.
Label Format Drop-down. Click the drop-down to select a predefined label format. The formats include various labels, address labels, return address labels, etc.
Sender's Email Text field. Enter the email address you want to display as the return address.
Sender's Name Text field. Enter the name you want to appear as the sender.
Email/Fax Attachment Link. Click the link to select a file to attach to an email or fax.

Define Recipient Communication History and Generate

Create Contact Tracking

Checkbox. To create a contact tracking record for each customer on the marketing list, select this checkbox, then select a topic and optional subtopic.

Note.pngAs of 7.4.1SP1, for contact tracking records created via MKT800, the system will default the Person Contacted to the Last_First Name of the customer on the record.

Call Topic Drop-down. Click the drop-down to select a call topic to assign to the list communication.
Subject Drop-down. Click the drop-down to select a subject for the list communication.
Create Fundraising Appeal Activity Checkbox. To create a fundraising appeal activity record for each customer on the marketing list, select this checkbox and select a fund or campaign and an appeal and appeal activity code.
Campaign Drop-down. Click the drop-down to select a campaign to assign to the list communication.
Fund Drop-down. Click the drop-down to select a campaign to assign to the list communication.
Appeal Drop-down. Click the drop-down to select an appeal to assign the list communication.
Appeal Type Drop-down. Click the drop-down to select an appeal type to assign to the list communication.
Generate Communication Button. The system runs the MKT800 batch process. A confirmation pop-up window displays asking you if you wish to review the status of the job. Click Yes if you want to review the status.