Adding a Contact Tracking Record

For versions of Personify before 7.4.1, the Contact Tracking screen maintains information relating to contact tracking and inquiry management. On this screen, you can view and maintain all contacts related to a particular customer or view and maintain all unresolved issues assigned to you. You can create a new contact tracking record, create a follow-up to an existing contact tracking record and view the entire text of a contact and all follow-ups in a single place.

Note.pngFrom the Contact Tracking screen, if you click Delete Record, the system does not display a warning or confirmation message. Please keep in mind that once a record is deleted, it cannot be retrieved without getting it from a backup.

To add a contact record:

1.    From the CRM/Orders menu, select Contact Tracking.
The Contact Tracking search screen displays, as shown below.

2.    Search for and select the appropriate customer.

3.    Click Add Record.
Alternatively, from the Contract Tracking tab in Call Center, click Add Record.
The Contact Records screen displays, as shown below.

4.    Select the Contact Type from the drop-down.
Values are populated based on the non-fixed MRM "CALL_TYPE" system type.

5.    By default, the Contact Date is set to today. Change this if necessary.

6.    If necessary, select the Topic from the drop-down.
Values are populated based on the non-fixed MRM "CALL_TOPIC" system type.

7.    If necessary, select a Subject.
Values are populated based on the subcodes defined for the non-fixed MRM "CALL_TOPIC" system type.

8.    By default, the Due Date is set to today. If necessary, change this to the date that you expect the contact record to be resolved.

9.    If the record is resolved, then check the Resolved checkbox and select the resolved date from the drop-down to the right.

10.  By default, the Person Contacted is the customer you have open in Call Center. If necessary, click the Contact link to search for and select a different customer as the person contacted.
Changing the person contacted will also creating a contact tracking record for the selected customer.

11.  If necessary, enter any information about the contact in the Activity Text field.

12.  Select the Mark Private checkbox, if necessary.
If selected, this record will only display for the user who created the record and admin users.

13.  If a staff person has been assigned to the Topic and Subject you selected, that staff person will automatically display in the Staff Assigned drop-down. Otherwise, the Staff Assigned drop-down defaults to the logged in user. If necessary, select a different staff person from the drop-down.
Only staff belonging to the org/org unit of the logged in user will be displayed.

14.  Click Email Staff to email a staff member about the contact, if necessary.
Please see the Sending a Customer an Email section for more information.

15.  Select a Key Code, Market Code, and/or List Code, if necessary.

16.  Click the Standard Letter link to open the Choose Standard Letter screen and search for the appropriate standard letter, if necessary.
If you decide to use a standard letter, clicking on Create MailMerge will open the standard letter in Microsoft Word.

The standard letters displayed in the Choose Standard Letters screen search results are specific to the org/org unit of the logged in user.

17.  Click Save.
As of 7.4.0SP1, if the customer for which you created the contact tracking record has a primary employer relationship, the Employer Master Customer ID and Sub Customer ID is saved Cus_Activity table. Please note that there is no process in which to keep this information current. The purpose of this functionality is to capture the primary employer information at the time of record creation.

18.  Create a follow-up record by clicking on Add Follow-up, if necessary.
For example, you may want to call a customer in two weeks to verify he or she has no additional questions. The setup for a follow-up record is exactly the same as a contact tracking record.


See Also: Resolving an Overdue Contact Tracking Record