Defining Organization Unit Shipping Details

Using this screen, you can determine how shipping is calculated. Domestic countries are defined on the “Countries Considered ‘Domestic’ for Shipping” screen. Please refer to Defining Organization Unit Domestic Country Setup for more information on defining the countries that are considered domestic. All countries not defined as domestic are considered foreign.

To set up the shipping details:

1.    Select System Admin > Organization Structure > Organization Unit Definition from the toolbar.

2.    Search for an organization unit and double-click it or highlight it and click Select Org Unit.
The Organizational Unit Maintenance General Parameters screen displays.

3.    From the Shipping Setup task category, click Shipping Details.
The Organizational Unit Maintenance Shipping Controls screen displays, as shown below.

4.    Select the Shipping Calculation from the drop-down.

5.    For the Domestic Ship Via Default, select a default shipping company from the Ordered through Personify and Ordered through the Web drop-downs.

6.    For the Foreign Ship Via Default, select a default shipping company from the Ordered through Personify and Ordered through the Web drop-downs.

7.    Click Save.

Screen Element


Shipping Setup Parameters

Shipping Calculation

Drop-down. The method by which the shipping is calculated. For example, By Price, By Schedule, or By Weight.

Default Ship Via

Domestic Ship Via Default, Ordered Through Personify

Drop-down. The domestic ship-via default for products ordered through Personify. For example, FedEx or UPS.

Domestic Ship Via Default, Ordered Through the Web

Drop-down. The domestic ship-via default for products ordered through the Web. For example, FedEx or UPS.

Foreign Ship Via Default, Ordered Through Personify

Drop-down. The foreign ship-via default for products ordered through Personify. For example, FedEx or UPS.

Foreign Ship Via Default, Ordered Through the Web

Drop-down. The foreign ship-via default for products ordered through the Web. For example, FedEx or UPS.