Working with Donors and Prospects in Donor360®

Utilizing the Donor360 screen shown below, you can assign solicitors to donors, define yearly goals, review giving analysis and recognition history for the donor, add credit transactions, add appeals sent to the donor, and add confidential information about the donor.

To access this screen, perform one of the following actions:

·            Click Open Donor360 from the Common Tasks task category on the Fundraising Launch screen.

·            Click Open Donor360 from the Constituents task category on the Fundraising Launch screen.

·            Select Donors / Prospects > Donor360 from the toolbar.

To access a Donor through the Donor360 screen:

1.    Select Donors / Prospects > Donor 360 from the Personify main toolbar.
The Donor and Prospect Maintenance search screen displays, as shown below.

2.    Search for the appropriate donor or prospect and click View Detail. Alternatively, if you do not find the donor or prospect you are looking for, click Create New Constituent. Additionally, as of 7.4.2, if the USE_HOUSEHOLDING application parameter is set to "Y", click Create New Household to create a new household.
The donor's record opens on the Donor360 Maintenance screen, as shown below.

See Also:

·            Marking a Constituent as a Donor

·            Navigating Donor360

·            Understanding the Donor360 Header Information

·            Understanding the Donor360 Overview Section

·            Understanding the Donor360 Involvement Section

·            Understanding the Donor360 Latest Interactions Section