You can define a basis type that describes the type of membership dues basis. Trade members typically have dues that are based on a membership basis value that changes from year to year. Renewal dues are calculated based on last year’s basis. If the company updates the basis value, the dues need to be recalculated.
To define a dues basis:
1. From
the Financial Data task category in CRM360,
click Dues Basis, as
shown below.
The Dues Basis History screen displays on the Demographics tab, as shown
2. Click Add.
3. Select
the Basis Category from the drop-down.
This is the method by which the dues basis is set. For example, Quantity
Sold, Revenue Size, or Staff Size. Values are populated based on the non-fixed
system type.
4. By default, the Start Date is set to today. Change this if necessary.
5. Select
the Basis Type from the drop-down.
This is the type of basis that determines the dues. If you select “Basis
Date”, you do not need to enter the Basis Value. If you select “Basis
Value”, you do not need to enter a Basis Date. Values are populated based
on the fixed MBR "BASIS_TYPE"
system type.
6. Enter the Basis Value or
select the Basis Date from the drop-down.
Depending on the option selected from the Basis Type drop-down, the appropriate
field will be enabled.
7. If necessary, select the End Date from the drop-down.
8. Click Save.
Click the Main Page link to return
to the overview page, see image below.