Membership System Types and Codes

The following table describes the fixed and non-fixed system types and codes for the Membership subsystem.





Associate Classification. Not often used, but trade associations may find it useful. For example, Employee or Executive. This field is located on the Associate Limits within Dues Schedule screen.



If your membership is based on any quantity (number of staff, revenue, number of branches), then verify that the category has been set up. For example, Period in Months, Quantity Sold, Revenue Size, or Staff Size. This field is located on the Basis Dues Schedule Maintenance screen.



Indicates that the dues assessment will be based on a number provided by the customer. The options include Basis Date and Basis Value. This field is located on the Basis Dues Schedule Maintenance screen.



This tells the system how the organization wants start dates on memberships to be set. This field is located on the Membership Structure Maintenance screen.


The following values are populated by the DEF_END_MASK fixed system type:

  • 1YEAR: All memberships end one day and one full calendar year after the membership start date. For example, if the membership started on March 14th, the membership will end on March 13th of the next year.

  • 1YRMINUS: All memberships end on the last day of the month prior to the current month. For example, if the membership starts on January 1st of the current year, the membership will end on December 31st of the current year. Or if the membership starts on March 15th, the membership will end on February 28th of the next year.

  • 1YRPLUS: If the membership starts in the middle of a month, for instance January 15, the cycle end date will be January 31. This is one year plus the partial month at the beginning. Note that when revenue recognition is done, there is an option to recognize the short month as the first of 12 months or the final month as the 12th month.

  • END[month]: All memberships end on the last day of the selected month. For example, ENDAUG memberships end on August 31st.



This tells the system how the organization wants end dates on memberships to be set. You can override this at the product level. For example, one year, one year plus, one year minus, or end of a month. This field is located on the Membership Structure Maintenance screen.


The following values are populated by the DEF_START_MASK fixed system type:

  • BEG[month]:  All memberships start on the beginning of the selected month. For example, BEGAUG memberships begin on the first of August.

  • BEGMY: All memberships start on the first day of the current month.

  • CUTOFFMON: All memberships start on the month after the calendar day specified in Option 1 of the system types and codes. For example, if Option 1 is ‘15’, all memberships joining on the 16th or later will start the next month.

  • CUTOFFYEAR: All memberships start on the next year after the month specified in Option 1 of the system types and codes. For example, if Option 1 is ‘6’, all memberships joining after June will start the next year.

  • NEXTMONTH: All memberships start on the first of the next month. For example, if your order is entered on February 1st or February 28th, the membership will start March 1st.

  • TODAY: All memberships start on the day the order is entered.

Note.pngAlthough this is a fixed system type, the CUTOFFMONTH code value (Option 1) can be changed to meet your organization’s needs.



The fulfill status of the membership order. For example, Active, Grace, or Suspend. This field is located on the Line Item Details screen.

Customers with a Fulfill Status of “Suspend”do not receive member benefits nor does the application include them in member counts.



The status of the line item in the order. For example, Active, Cancelled, or Proforma. This field is located on the Line Item Details screen.



Membership Product Classes. At a minimum, you need to have one product class, which typically is “dues.” It is typically used to identify the types of dues associated with a membership for reporting purposes. For example, Contributions, Dues, Fees, or Sponsor. This field is located on the Product Maintenance screen.



The primary type of product. For example, Individual, Associate, or Consolidate Associate Class (CAC). This field is located on the Product Maintenance screen.



Enabled only if the Default Prorate Amount is checked. This tells the system at what interval to prorate the amount. This field is located on the Membership Structure Maintenance screen.



Membership Rate Code. You need to have all membership interval rates (one year, two years, lifetime, standard, trial). For example, One Year Membership, Two Year Membership, International Rate, Lifetime Membership, Standard Rate, or Trial Rate. This field is located on the Product Maintenance > Rates and Pricing screen.



This defines what kind of membership record that a specific Level 1 references. Examples include dues, chapter, etc. This field is located on the Membership Structure Maintenance screen.



Controls how revenue recognition for the order will be handled. For example, On Invoice, Monthly, or On Specific Date. This field is located on the Product Maintenance > GL Accounts screen.



The descriptive name associated with the Schedule code, indicating that the membership rates will be based on this approach. For example, Schedule or Commission. This field is located on the Basis Dues Schedule Maintenance screen.