CUS595 – Merge Verified Duplicates

This batch process merges groups of duplicate records identified by CUS590 after user review using the Duplicate Customer Verification (CUS100) screen to identify one record for each duplicate group as the primary or maintained record. CUS595 updates all other data for the duplicate records associated with the maintained record.


Two reports are generated from this process:

·            Duplicate Customer Merged Listing – available in Edit mode

·            Duplicate Customer Documents Merge Exception Report – only available at the time of file movement in Prod mode


For more information, please see Running the CUS595 Report.





Subtitle This field is used to enter in a subtitle that appears underneath the report heading.
Defaults to “Merged Duplicate Customers”.
Run Mode The mode in which the report runs:

·         EDIT – does not update the database, but instead generates a report of merged duplicate customers.

·         PROD – generates the report and updates the database.

Organization The Organization ID for which you want to run the report. Defaults to the organization of the logged in user. Read-only
Organization Unit The Organization Unit for which you want to run the report. Defaults to the organization unit of the logged in user. Read-only

Sample Report

Description: cus595