ORD660 – Batch Invoices

This batch process generates invoices and acknowledgement letters, either individually from the Order Entry (ORD001) screen or in a batch.


The ORD660 report now prints a confirmation letter for meeting attendants.


The TIMSS System for Order Entry Management and Advertising Management will generate the invoice numbers, date, and "Invoiced" status after the ADV660 Advertising Invoicing or ORD660 Order Entry Invoicing reports are run in production mode.


ORD660 includes multiple setup options:

·            ORD660_A – Generates invoices for all active orders

·            ORD660_B – Generates acknowledgement letters for a specific meeting

·            ORD660_C – Reprints invoices

·            ORD660_D – Reprints acknowledgement letters

·            ORD660_E – Processes specific issues


Additional parameters were added in the 7.2.1 release to accommodate Address Change Service functionality. Please see Address Change Service for more information.

Note.pngAs of 7.4.1SP1, ORD660 will not print invoice/acknowledgement for cancelled lines even if the "Line Status" parameter selected is C, as that parameter applies to Confirmation letters only.





Form Title

This will appear on invoices and acknowledgement letters below the organization address.


Include Bad Address Records

When running this process, if bad address orders should be included in printing invoice, choose 'Y'.  If bad address orders should not be included in printing invoice choose 'N'.



The organization.


Organization Unit

The organization unit ID.



Select or enter one of the following format values:

·            INV - To print the invoices and update the invoice print date.  (Orders are selected with line status codes identified with an I in the App_Code.OPTION_3 column of LINE_STATUS type.)  

·            ACK - To Print the acknowledgement letters and update the letter print date.

·            CONFIRMATION - To print the meeting confirmation letters and update the confirmation date.  To generate invoices, make sure that orders are invoiced.



Select or enter one of the following values for mode.

·            PROD- All qualified orders for which invoice or Ack letters have not been printed (i.e., print date is null) will be selected and process will update Invoice print date or letter print date for these orders. 

·            EDIT - Will select the same orders as in PROD mode but will not update the print date, thus these orders will be selected in next run also.

·            RE-PRINT - Use this mode to reprint the invoices for orders that have already gone through the PROD mode, meaning that invoice print date or letter print date are not null. Reprint From Order No and Reprint Up To Order No parameters should be used when the process is run in RE-PRINT mode.



Only used for selecting a report format and only used if Output Format Control parameter is set to AUTOMATIC.  Can be used for invoices, acknowledgement letters and confirmation letters.  Defaults to ALL.  Only one value can be selected.

This parameter does not filter order lines to be processed.  

Selects the report format to be used for order lines with the subsystem value selected here by selecting from the ORD660_Format_Map table where ORD660_Format_Map.SUBSYSTEM = subsystem value selected here and ORD660_Format_Map.REPORT_OUTPUT_CODE = value selected for the Format parameter (i.e., INV, ACK or CONFIRMATION) and org, and org unit is the org, org unit of the user running the process. 

If ALL is selected for the subsystem value here, then all order lines will use the same report (assuming a record exists in ORD660_Format_Map where SUBSYSTEM = ALL and ORD660_Format_Map.REPORT_OUTPUT_CODE = value selected for Format parameter).  If ALL is not selected as the subsystem value, order lines that have a subsystem value different than the value selected here will use the base report. 

Note.pngMost AP systems will not pay multiple invoices with the same invoice number, so it is not advised to generate different invoice reports for different order lines within the same order, because they may have the same invoice number.


Reprint from Order No.

Enter a valid order no like 1000000001. This order no will be used in RE-PRINT mode to select all orders between this order no and Upto order no (the next parameter)


Reprint up to Order No.

Enter a valid order no like 1000000099. This order no will be used in RE-PRINT mode to select all orders between from order no (previous parameter) and Upto this order no


Print Zero Order Line Balance

Enter Y or N to include or exclude invoices with zero net balance.

  • If "Print Zero Order Line Balance" is N and "Print Non-Zero Order Line Balance" is Y, then the order lines will be picked according to the 'Min Credit Balance' and the 'Min Debit Balance' parameters. If Group By is Invoice No., then it will print only those invoices where the net balance for all the lines with same invoice number is not zero. If Group By is Order No., then it will print only those invoices where the net balance for all the lines with same order number is not zero.

  • If "Print Zero Order Line Balance" is Y and "Print Non-Zero Order Line Balance" is N, then the invoices with zero net balance will be printed. If Group By is Invoice No., then it will print only those invoices where the net balance for all the lines with same invoice number is zero. If Group By is Order No., then it will print only those invoices where the net balance for all the lines with same order number is zero.

  • If "Print Zero Order Line Balance" is Y and "Print Non-Zero Order Line Balance" is Y, then all the order lines will be printed.  


Either "Print Zero Order Line Balance" or "Print Non-Zero Order Line Balance" must be set to Y.


Print Non-Zero Order Line Balance

As of 7.4.1 SP1, select this checkbox to include invoices with a net balance greater than zero.

  • If "Print Zero Order Line Balance" is N and "Print Non-Zero Order Line Balance" is Y, then the order lines will be picked according to the 'Min Credit Balance' and the 'Min Debit Balance' parameters. If Group By is Invoice No., then it will print only those invoices where the net balance for all the lines with same invoice number is not zero. If Group By is Order No., then it will print only those invoices where the net balance for all the lines with same order number is not zero.

  • If "Print Zero Order Line Balance" is Y and "Print Non-Zero Order Line Balance" is N, then the invoices with zero net balance will be printed. If Group By is Invoice No., then it will print only those invoices where the net balance for all the lines with same invoice number is zero. If Group By is Order No., then it will print only those invoices where the net balance for all the lines with same order number is zero.

  • If "Print Zero Order Line Balance" is Y and "Print Non-Zero Order Line Balance" is Y, then all the order lines will be printed.


Either "Print Zero Order Line Balance" or "Print Non-Zero Order Line Balance" must be set to Y.


Incl Sched-Payments in Bal Cal

If “Y”, then the process will include scheduled payments when calculating order balances.  For instance, if an order has future scheduled payment that would cover the current order balance, this order would be considered to have a zero balance currently due.  If “N”, then the actual balance on the order will determine whether or not it should be included regardless of whether future scheduled payments would otherwise pay off the order.


Conf Ltr Line Status

This parameter is applicable to CONFIRMATION letters only.  Select or enter one of the following values for LINE STATUS:

  • A = Active

  • P = Proforma

  • C = Cancelled

Description: Description: Note for TrainingUser can select more than one line status code.


Output Format Control

Identifies the report format to be used when this process is run, and can be used for invoices, acknowledgement letters and confirmation letters.  Valid values are AUTOMATIC, SPECIFIC or EMAIL_ONLY. 

  • If AUTOMATIC, selects the report defined for the org, org unit, value selected for the Format parameter (i.e., INV, ACK or CONFIRMATION) and order line subsystem in ORD660_Format_Map.  If no value is selected for the subsystem parameter, or if no record exists in ORD660_Format_Map for the selected subsystem, the process will use the base report format.

  • If SPECIFIC, uses the report defined in Specific Report Format parameter. 

  • If EMAIL_ONLY, generates emails but no printed invoices.  The content of the email is defined in the notification.  (Customers with no email addresses are written to the ORD660_No_Email table.)


Specific Report Format

This field is only used for edit if the OUTPUT FORMAT CONTROL parameter is set to SPECIFIC.


Message Code

Only one message code can be selected at a time.


Include fully paid items only

This is applicable for meeting CONFIRMATION letters only. 

When set to Y, only selects orders that have a balance <= 0.00 (i.e., where the order line is fully paid or overpaid, leaving a credit balance).


Send by Email

Set to "Y" if you want invoices to be emailed; otherwise, leave as "N". 

If "EMAIL_ONLY" option is selected for Output Format, this must be set to "Y".

Crystal report will be produced for customers who do not have an email address.



Email Notification Email

Enter the name of the email notification that will be used.  BASE_INVOICE_ACK is the invoice notification that is delivered with the base application.

What about ORD660_BASE_INVOICE?



Salutation Type

Select the Salutation type.



Generic comments to be included in every report. It can be blank.


CR Comments

General comments to be placed if the balance is -ve. Can be left as BLANK


DR Comments

General comments to be placed if there is balance. Can be left as BLANK


User Address Change Service

If the flag is set to 'Y' the labels are printed with ACS Format having Intelligent Mail Barcode and also make sure appropriate values are set for parameters Barcode Identifier,Service Type Identifier and Mailer ID,and also by setting the flag to 'Y' width of the label increases by one row.

When the flag value is 'N' then the ACS format is ignored and the label is printed without the barcode.


Barcode Identifier

A two-digit value that indicates the degree of pre-sorting this mail piece received before being presented for mail delivery.


Service Type Identifier

A three-digit value representing both the class of the mail (such as first-class, standard mail, or periodical), and any services requested by the sender.



Mailer ID

A six or nine-digit number assigned by the USPS that identifies the specific business sending the mailing. Higher volume mailers are eligible to receive six-digit Mailer IDs, which have a larger range of sequence numbers associated with them; lower volume mailers will receive nine-digit Mailer IDs.

To make it possible to distinguish six-digit IDs from nine-digit IDs, all six-digit IDs begin with a digit between 0 and 8, inclusive, while all nine-digit IDs begin with the digit 9.


Sample Report
