MKT500 – List Upload Process

This batch process is used for uploading a list from a flat file. Allows user to specify that only the Nth record should be loaded into the list which will be created by this process. It is possible that the flat file contains 5000 records, but the user wants only a sampling of these records. As of 7.4.2, this process looks at the CUSTOMER_ID_LENGTH application parameter and supports Master Customer IDs with the number of characters defined for the parameter.


As of 7.4.2, if the creation method is CUS_IMPORT, then MKT500 will expect a CSV file containing Master Customer ID and Sub Customer ID. Additionally, the CSV file should not have any header or any enclosure characters in it. MKT500 won't be looking at the file mapping defined at List category, although List source is still a required field on the Marketing and Communication List Maintenance (MKT002) screen.


This batch process is also launched when the user clicks Load List from the Marketing and Communication List Maintenance (MKT002) screen. For more information, please see Creating and Maintaining Marketing Lists.

Note.pngIf the MKT500 process fails, please make sure that the <TRSInputPath>\\PATH\HERE</TRSInputPath> setting in the TimssInterfaceConfig.xml file for the Interface Service is correct and the <UploadRoot Name="TRSInputFile" Path="\\PATH\HERE"/> in the ServerConfig column of the T_##_AppInstance table of the PIDB database for the environment is correct.

Note.pngAs of 7.4.1SP1, the MKT500 batch process only considers the first 80 characters and excludes the remaining characters, as the MKT_Prospect and Customer table stores only 80 characters in the Search_Name Column.


Parameter Description Required?
Organization The Organization ID for which you want to run the report. Read-only
Organization Unit The Organization Unit ID for which you want to run the report. Read-only
Abort Count This parameter specifies the number of initial records that go in error. The process will end in failure if number of rejected records exceed this value. No
List Code List Code is a uniquely assigned number for each time the list is used. Yes
Record To Be Locked This parameter allows user to specify that only the nth record should be loaded into the list which will be created by this process. It is possible that the flat file contains 5000 records but user wants only a sampling of these records and so wants to load. No
Regenerate Flag If this flag is checked then existing members in the list will be deleted before loading the list with new criteria. If this flag is not checked then existing members in the list will be kept and new members will get added in list upload process. Yes
Validate Address If this flag is checked then uploaded addresses would be validated. If this flag is not checked then uploaded addresses will not be validated and uploaded as per the input file. Yes

Sample Report
