Creating and Maintaining List Communications

List Communication serves as the focal point for an association's marketing efforts and the dissemination of communication. Here, you can process a new list and then initiate a contact.


The combination of designating a marketing list and initiating a contact through the List Communications screens automatically creates a Key Code.


A key code facilitates the capture of information at the order level and the tracking of specific promotional mailings, such as catalogues or brochures, to specific lists at multiple times. The key code ties in with the list code and market code and is imperative to tracking responses and orders through Contact Tracking and Order Entry, respectively. Although it is not required, TMA Resources recommends further connecting a specific market code with your list communication in order to receive a more detailed analysis of the marketing strategy.


By mixing and matching your list codes and market codes to create unique key codes and then analyzing each key code under various restraints, you can determine the optimal marketing mix (in essence, the key code) to attain your marketing goals.