Defining a Constituent's Salutations in CRM360®

Using the Salutations section of the Individual Name Edit screen, you can add standard salutations for the customer to use. The salutation options include the following:

·            Formal
This salutation is created automatically by the system when the constituent is created. If the constituent has a gender defined on the Demographics screen, the formal salutation will default to "[Prefix] [Last Name]". For example, if constituent John Smith has a Gender of "Male", the formal salutation would be "Mr Smith". If the constituent does NOT have a gender defined, the formal salutation will default to [First Name][Last Name].

·            Informal
This salutation is created automatically by the system when the constituent is created and defaults to the constituent's [First Name]. For example, John Smith's information salutation would be "John".

·            Family
This salutation is created automatically by the system when the constituent is created and defaults to "Family of [First Name][Last Name]". For example, John Smith's family salutation would be "Family of John Smith".

·            Formal Spouse
If a spouse has been defined for the constituent in the "Spouse First Name" field on the Demographics screen, the system will automatically create the formal spouse salutation as "Mrs. [Last Name]". For example, if the Spouse First Name field is defined for John Smith's, the formal spouse salutation would be "Mrs. Smith".

·            Informal Spouse
If a spouse has been defined for the constituent in the "Spouse First Name" field on the Demographics screen, the system will automatically create the formal spouse salutation as "[Spouse First Name]". For example, if John Smith's Spouse First Name is "Jane", the informal spouse would be "Jane".

·            Formal with Spouse
As of 7.4.2, if a husband/wife relationships has been defined on the Relationships screen, the system will automatically create the formal with spouse salutation as "[Prefix] and Mrs. [First Name][Last Name]". For example, if John Smith has a husband/wife relationship defined, the formal with spouse salutation would be "Mr. and Mrs. John Smith".

·            Informal with Spouse
As of 7.4.2, if a husband/wife relationships has been defined and the Spouse First Name field has been defined on the Relationships screen, the system will automatically create the informal with spouse salutation as "[husband First Name] and [Spouse First Name][Last Name]. For example, if the Spouse First Name of "Jane" is defined for a husband/wife relationship with John Smith, the informal with spouse salutation would be "John and Jane Smith".


These salutations display on mass email exports (such as FND630 and MKT800), printed acknowledgement letters (such as ORD660), notifications, and duplicate merges (CUS595).

 Salutations can only be created for individual constituent records.

To define an individual's salutations:

1.    From the Background Information task category in CRM360, click Name Details.
The Individual Name Edit screen displays, as shown below.


2.    From the Standard Salutations section, perform the following:

a.    Click Add.

b.    Select the Salutation Type from the drop-down menu.
Values are populated based on the non-fixed CUS "CUS_SALUTATION" system type.

c.    Enter the Salutation name to be used on mailings, invoices, and notifications.

d.    Check the Default checkbox if this is the default salutation to be used on all mailings, invoices, and notifications.
Only one salutation can be selected as the default.

e.    Click Save.