Application System Types and Codes

The fixed system types and codes associated with each subsystem are described in detail in each of the subsystem-specific sections. The fixed Application (APP) subsystem Types are described in the following table.

Type Code



The account function type. Options include: Payable Clearing, Accounts Receivable, Cash, Credit Card Receivable, Cost of Goods, Credit Balance without Account, Currency Correction Account, Deferred Discount Account, Deferred Revenue Account, Discount Account, Intercompany Account, Inventory, Operating Expenses, Other Assets, Other Expenses, Other Income, Prepaid Liability, Real Revenue, Tax Payable, Unapplied Receipt Account, Write-off Account, and Transfer Account.


The method of account. The only option available is Accrual.


The Web bill-me override option. Options include: Always, Deny, and None.


The case the field should be converted to. Options include: Lower, None, and Upper.


The type of data. Options include: Date, Number, and String.


The format the date is in. Options include: DD/MM/YYYY, DD-MMM-YYYY, DDMMYYYY, DD-MM-YYYY, MM/DD/YYYY, MM/YY, MM/YYYY, MMDDYYYY, MM-DD-YYYY, MMYY, MMYYYY, and YYYYMMDD. D is the day, M is the month, and Y is the year.


The default order status for bill-me orders. Options include: Active, Proforma, and Active with Purchase Order.


The default status for orders. Options include: Active and Proforma.


Lists the subsystems it could support. Options Include: Certification subsystem products, Facility subsystem products, Fundraising subsystem products, Inventory subsystem products, Listing of Order Lines, Membership subsystem products, Miscellaneous subsystem products, Meeting subsystem products, Repetition of order lines, Subscription subsystem products, Transcript subsystem products, and Exhibition subsystem products.


The format of the file. Options include: Delimited and Fixed.


A fund credit is created for this event when the option selected occurs. Options include: None, Order Creation, and Payment.


A fund credit is created for this event for the option selected. Options include: Bill Customer, None, and Ship Customer.


Lists the Personify third-party interfaces. Options include: Universal Address Validation Interface, Communication Interface, Marketing List Interface, Universal Payment Handler Interface, Report/BI Interface, and Exhibition Interface.


The operator. Options include: Ends With, Equals, Greater Than, Greater Than or Equal To or Null, Greater Than or Null, Greater Than or Equal, Contains, In, Less Than, Less Than or Equal To or Null, Less Than or Null, Less Than or Equal, Not In, Not Equal To, Not Null, Is Null, and Starts With.


When images are uploaded on the Product Images screen in Product Maintenancen, the system automatically resizes the images into two images: LARGE and SMALL. These system codes are fixed. However, you can edit the Width and Height of these codes. By default, the LARGE code is set to 250 x 250. By default, the SMALL code is set to 50 x 50.


The type of email recipient. Options include: BCC Email To, CC Email To, and Email To.


The tax level bill-to or ship-to. Options include: Bill-to and Ship-to.


The type of tax. Options include: Charge both sales and VAT tax, Charge sales tax exclusively, and Charge VAT exclusively.


Yes/No. Options include: Yes and No.