
Home > Notifications > Setting Up Notification Events > Viewing the Notification Process

Viewing the Notification Process

When the notification service begins to process each message, it creates a record of the various steps of the process. When the message completes (either successfully or unsuccessfully) a row is added to indicate the message completion status. This screen is read-only.

To view the notification process:

1.    From the toolbar, select System Admin > Notification Services > Notification Process Maintenance.
The Notification Process Details search screen displays, as shown below.

2.    Perform a search, by date, for the process whose information you want to view.
The Notification Process Details screen displays.

Screen Element


Notification Process Info

Process Start Date Read-only. Displays the date and time the notification event began.
Process End Date Read-only. Displays the date and time the notification even completed.
Total Processing Seconds Read-only. The difference in seconds between the Processing End Date and Processing Start Date.
Message Total Read-only. The total number of messages sent by this notification event.
Notification Event Read-only. The Parent ID populated from the NTS_NOTIFICATION table.

Notification Process Details

Email Address Read-only. The email address of the recipient of the notification email.
Send Status Code Read-only. This code indicates the success/failure of the action performed on the email message.
Message Text Read-only. This is the status message that provides additional information about the action performed on the mail message during this notification event.