As of 7.4.1, this process sends an email to each manager with unresolved Contact Tracking items of his team members, according to a schedule. Users do not need to be logged into Personify to receive the alert emails. The email provides a total count of items overdue and team member wise break up of overdue activity greater than 1 day along with the no of days over due.
A contact tracking "Due Date" is the date in which the contact
tracking record should be complete. If this is set to a date in the past,
the "Overdue" button will enable in the bottom, left corner
of the Personify application for the Staff Assigned, as shown below.
Additionally, the red overdue icon will display to the left of the
record in the list of all
activities and contact tracking records for the constituent in CRM360™, as shown below.
A user's manager is defined on the User Maintenance screen, as shown below.
Event Stored Procedure Name: usp_NOTIFY_MRM_ALERTS
Procedure to create the Chronicle table if it doesn't exist: usp_NOTIFY_MRM_ALERT_CHANGE_CHRONICLE
If you want to give more time to staff before they are sent email for open records, then add a calculation in the stored procedure to select those records that are ‘n’ days past the due date to reduce or delay reporting recent records. If an item is more than X number of days overdue, you can add an escalation to the manager's manager.