Copying a Membership Product

If you need to create multiple membership products that have similar setups, Personify offers a Copy Product functionality to make this process easier and less time-consuming. The Copy Product functionality allows you to take the setup of an existing inventoried product and copy over any or all of its parameters, including GL accounts and pricing setups, by simply checking off the parameters you want to recreate for the copied product.


This functionality is available for all Product Types and appears as a task (Copy this Product) through the Related Tasks taskbar when viewing a product on its Product Maintenance (PRODUCTCENTRAL) screen.


The Copy Product screen consists of two tabs:

Note.pngThe only value that must be new is the Product Code.

Note.pngIf a Renew to this Product has been defined on the Rate Code Extensions screen, the system will copy the product from the source product if it is different from the source product. If the renew-as product is same as the source product, the system will make the renew-as-product the same as the new product being created.

For example, Product A has a renew-as product of product C. Product A is copied to product B. The renew-as product for Product B is Product C. Product A has a renew-as product of Product A. Product A is copied to Product B. The renew-as product for Product B is Product B.

To create a new product by copying an existing:

1.    Once the original product is set up on the Product Maintenance screen, click Copy this Product from the Related Tasks task category.
The Product Copy screen displays with information on the original product appearing at the top of the screen, as shown below.

2.    On the New Product to be Created tab, enter the Product Code of the new product.

Note.pngThe Product Code MUST be different from the original product.

3.    If necessary, select a new Parent Product.
This value defaults from the original product, but may be changed as needed.

4.    Select the Product Class of the new product.
This value defaults from the original product, but may be changed as needed.

5.    Enter the Product Description and Invoice Description.

6.    If necessary, enter the Level 2/Level 3 membership structures.
The Level 1 membership structure populates automatically.

Note.pngThe Copy Product functionality for membership products does not allow you set the availability dates. Make sure you modify these as needed after you finish creating the copied product.

7.    Click Next.
The Copy Parameters tab displays, as shown below.

8.    On the Copy Parameters tab, select the appropriate radio button in the System Accounts section.

·            Use Default System Account
When selected, Personify pulls the Product_Account values from the FGL_Product_Account_Default table for the subsystem.

·            Copy System Accounts
When selected, Personify copies the Product_Account record from the original product.

9.    If necessary, check the Impose Mask on System Accounts checkbox.
When checked, you must enter a GL Account Mask so Personify validates that the resulting account exists in the Financial General Ledger Account Master table.

If it does not exist in the table, then a warning is issued and the user must define these accounts manually.

10.  Check the appropriate checkboxes in the Revenue Accounts section.

·            Copy Revenue Accounts
When checked, Personify copies the records from the Product_Revenue_Distribution.

·            Impose Mask on Revenue Accounts 
When checked, you must enter a GL Account Mask so Personify validates that the resulting account exists in the Financial and Accounts Receivable system.

11.  If it does not exist in the table, then a warning is issued and the user must define these accounts manually.

12.  If necessary, enter the GL Account Mask.
This field is enabled if either of the “Impose Mask” checkboxes are checked.
When checked, it will accept a mask and then update the account based on this mask. The system must validate that the resulting account is a valid account.

GL account numbers are created with segments that represent the same type of item for all GL account numbers. You can define the pattern for the GL account here.

13.  Check the appropriate checkboxes of the parameters to copy.
The parameters include the following:

·           Rates and Prices

·           Components

·           Cancellation Fees

·           Web Text Info

·           Shipping Fees

14.  If necessary, check the Copy Membership Subscription Benefits checkbox.
These are the benefits set up on the Product Central > Rates and Pricing > Rate Code Extensions screen.

When checked, if more than one subscription benefit record for the same rate structure, rate code, and subscription product exists, only the most current record is copied. The Begin Date is set to the “Product Available Date” and the End Date is set as “Null.”

15.  If necessary, check the Copy Linked Customer checkbox.
This is the cross-reference defined for the original product, typically chapter products, to a subgroup record. A value is needed here for MBR700 to work. On the Subgroups screen, this value must exist to calculate the membership total. Multiple products can be linked to the same subgroup record.

When checked, this links the new product to the original product’s linked subgroup.

16.  Review all your fields, and after review, click Copy Product.

If no errors occur, the new product opens on the Product Maintenance screen.

If you receive an error stating, "Another object with the same key already exists,” return to the “New Product to be Created” tab and make sure you entered a Product Code different from the original product’s code.

Note.pngSince the Copy Product functionality for membership products defaults the availability dates from the original product, make sure to update the dates as necessary before validating your new product.

Note.pngThis process does not automatically validate the product. You still need to click Validate Setup, as with other product setups, to finalize the product.

Note.pngWhile the Copy Product functionality can copy the Web Text Info from the original product’s e-Business control, you should open the new product’s setup and review the e-Business to ensure it’s active and appears only when desired.