Defining Rate Code Extensions

At the rate code level, you can renew the product as a different product, or the same product with a different rate code. For organizations that have a progressive dues schedule (1st year $50, second year $100, etc.), a retiring membership product, or a trial membership, the renew capability can be of use. Otherwise, this defaults to the existing product and current structure and rate code.

To add rate code extensions:

1.    On the Rate and Pricing screen, click Rate Code Extensions.
The Rate Code Extensions screen displays, as shown below.

2.    Enter a Length in Months.

3.    Enter the Grace Months.

4.    Select the Pay Frequency from the drop-down.

5.    Click the Renew to this Product link to add a renewal product.

6.    Select the Renew as Rate Structure from the drop-down.

7.    Select the Renew as Rate Code from the drop-down.

8.    In the Subscription Benefits section, perform the following:

a.    Click Add.
The Product Chooser displays. Search for the appropriate subscription to add as a benefit for members.

b.    If necessary, select the Ship-Via method from the drop-down.

c.    Select the Sub Rate Structure from the drop-down.

d.    Select the Sub Rate Code from the drop-down.

e.    If necessary, select the Begin Date and End Date for when the subscription benefit product is available.

f.      If necessary, select the Associates checkbox.

9.    Click Save.

Screen Element



Length in Months

Text box. The length in months of a membership. This number defines the end date of the term. For example, if you enter “12” here, this is a 12-month membership. The end date of the term is automatically calculated. Revenue Recognition will override the time entered here. Defaults to 12 months.

Grace Months

Text box. The number of months that is typical for continuing member benefits prior to cancelling a membership for non-renewal. Defaults for the Membership Structure, but can be overridden.

Pay Frequency

Drop-down. The time frame the customer must pay. For example, Invoice indicates the customer must pay immediately and Monthly indicates the customer can pay on a monthly schedule. If Monthly is selected, the order is automatically created with a monthly payment schedule but can be overridden on the Order Entry screen. This value is validated against the Pay_Frequency fixed type code.

Renewal Control

Renew to this Product

Link. Select the membership product that this product should renew as. If left blank, the value will default to itself.

Renew as Rate Structure

Drop-down. Select the rate structure that this product’s rate structure should renew as. If left blank, the value will default to the product’s original rate structure.

Renew as Rate Code

Drop-down. Select the rate code that this product’s rate code should renew as. If left blank, the value will default to the product’s original rate code.

Subscription Benefits


Button. When clicked, the Product Chooser screen displays where you can select a subscription product to add to the membership. These subscription products are free for this membership, regardless of price. They are defined by rate code. See Adding a Subscription Benefit to a Membership Product for more information.


Button. When clicked, the highlighted row from the table and the information entered in the corresponding fields are deleted. Before deleting, the system verifies that the subscription does not exist on any active memberships and that a MBR_Rate_Subscription record does not exist in the Order_Detail table where a record for the order number/order line number exists in Order_MBR_Subscription for the subscription product. If the subscription does exist on an active membership, then the record cannot be deleted, but you can, however, enter an end date for the subscription.


Checkbox. When checked, the system displays only the current membership benefits for the product. Current subscriptions have not yet reached their end date. As of the 7.2.2 release, the Active_Flag field was added to the MBR_Rate_Subscription table to accommodate the new feature and only display current subscriptions.

Membership Benefits Detail


Link. This field automatically populates with the subscription selected when you clicked Add. However, you can change the value here by clicking the link and searching for a different subscription. As of the 7.2.2 release, the MBR_Rate_Subscription_ID field was added to the MBR_Rate_Subscription table to accommodate the new feature.


Drop-down. Select the ship-via method that will be used for the subscription benefit. This method only applies to the subscription product as a benefit. It does not override the ship-via method for the general subscription product.

Sub Rate Structure

Drop-down. Select the rate structure that will receive the subscription benefit.

Sub Rate Code

Drop-down. Select the rate code that will receive the subscription benefit.

Begin Date

Drop-down. Select the date the subscription will be available as a membership benefit to the product. Defaults to the system date. When you order or renew a membership, the system looks at the begin and end dates entered here to compose the correct associated member benefit subscription products.

Note.pngThe begin date of the new record must be greater than the end date of the last record and cannot overlap the time period of a previous record.

As of the 7.2.2 release, the Effective_Begin_Date field was added to the MBR_Rate_Subscription table to accommodate the new feature.

End Date

Drop-down. Select the date the subscription will no longer be available as a membership benefit to the product. If the subscription exist on an active membership, then the record cannot be deleted, but you can, however, enter an end date for the subscription here.


When an existing member benefit subscription is deactivated by entering an end date, any new partial term memberships created will not include the deactivated member benefit subscription. When you order or renew a membership, the system looks at the begin and end dates entered here to compose the correct associated member benefit subscription products.

Note.pngThe end date can only be null for one record (i.e., the new record). If the end date is null of the last record, the system sets the End Date to the Begin Date of the new record minus one day.

As of the 7.2.2 release, the Effective_End_Date field was added to the MBR_Rate_Subscription table to accommodate the new feature. You can edit or clear the date selected here, as long as no other records exist with the same membership product, rate structure, rate code, and subscription product.


Checkbox. When checked, associate members receive the publication. For example, individuals linked to the corporate membership.