Viewing Inventory History

The Inventory History screen retrieves information that can be used by any company that shares or owns a product. The information can be updated only by the company that owns the product.

To view an inventory’s history:

1.    On the Product Maintenance screen, from the Subsystem Specific task category, click Inventory History.
The Inventory History screen displays, as shown below.

2.    Select any filter information:

·            Warehouse - manually enter the name of the appropriate warehouse.

·            Transaction Type – the following values are populated by the fixed TXN_TYPE system type for the INV subsystem:

o           Inventory Adjustment: transaction which occur when inventory is adjusted from the Inventory Adjustment screen.

o           Inventory Receipt: transactions which occur when inventory is received on the Inventory Receipt (INV110) screen.

o           Shipping: transaction which occur when an inventoried product is shipped or preshipped in an order.

o           Transfer In: transaction which occur when inventory is moved from one warehouse/location to another from the Inventory Transfer screen.

o           Transfer Out: transaction which occur when inventory is moved to one warehouse/location from another from the Inventory Transfer screen.

·            Date From

·            Date To

3.    Click Search.
The details of the highlighted record displays on the right side of the screen.

4.    Review the information and close the screen.