Adding Miscellaneous Demographics about a Donor

To add information:

1.    From the Donor Information task category in Donor360®, click Miscellaneous Demographics.
The Miscellaneous Demographics screen displays, as shown below.

2.    Select the Income Range from the drop-down.
This is the range of the donor’s annual income level, which is useful information for soliciting contributions. This field uses different codes than what is defined for the constituent in the Annual Income Range Code field, because fundraising staff classify income levels differently than staff interested in member demographics.

3.    Select the Income Source from the drop-down.
This is the source of the donor’s income information. For example, the information could come from a survey or the donor’s membership information form.

4.    Select the date the income range or income source was last updated from the Income Updated drop-down.
This date defaults on the date this information is changed, but you can change it.

5.    Enter the Annual Giving Estimate. This is an estimated amount of money the constituent gives within a year.
This estimate can be manually updated or set by the FND700 Estimated Giving batch process.

6.    Enter Comments into the text box.

7.    Click Save.
Click the Main Page link to return the overview donor information screen.