Customer Summary Dashboard

The Customer Summary Dashboard analyzes customer information using the Customer Summary universe. The results appear in a variety of charts and graphs and outlined various categories such as Demographic Information, Membership Info, Committee, List Demographics, Donations, and Registrations and Other Purchases.


Demographic Information

The Demographic Information section list the customer’s primary Address, Primary Phone, Primary Email, Primary Fax, Date of Birth, Age, Gender, and picture.


Membership Information

The Membership Information lists Current membership status, membership Expiration date, Member Since date, Chapter, Section, and Total Memberships.


Click the Print button to print the entire Customer Summary dashboard.

Committee Tab

The Committee tab displays a table with information on each committee to which the customer belongs or has belonged, including Committee Name, Position Description, Begin Date, and End Date.


List Demographics Tab

The List Demographics tab displays a table with customer list demographic information, including Code, Subcode, Begin Date, and End Date.



The Donations section lists the ship-to customer donation information, including Last Donation, First Donation, Largest Donation, and Lifetime Donations.


Registrations and Other Purchases

The Registrations and Other Purchases section displays a bar graph comparing registrations for the current year and previous year. Select between the Ship-To and Bill-To radio buttons to display registration data for the ship-to or bill-to customer.


This section also displays a pie chart comparing Lifetime Customer Spending.


Hover over a specific bar in the graph or section of the pie chart to display exact amount or percentages.

Dashboard Data Source Reports

The Customer Summary Dashboard gets its data from the Webi reports (also called documents) listed below, which all get their data from the Customer Summary universe. The destination cells in the Xcelsius worksheet, into which the data from the Webi documents is mapped, are shown in the Maps To… column.

Document Name

Universe Name

Maps To . . .

Bill To Purchases_xml

Customer Summary

Registration and Other Purchases (Bill To)

Committee Info_xml

Customer Summary


Customer Profile_xml

Customer Summary

Demographic Information

Demographic Info_xml

Customer Summary

List Demographic

Donation Info_xml

Customer Summary


Membership Info_xml

Customer Summary

Membership Info

Ship To Purchases_xml

Customer Summary

Registration and Other Purchases (Ship To)