In Personify back office, there is no way to delete an address from a constituent record. Instead, the address must be marked as "BAD".
As of 7.4.2, regarding the new householding functionality, when an address is marked as bad and a new address is created, the system will create new address records for household members with the same priority sequence and values for bill-flag, ship-flag. If the address that is marked as bad is the primary address and a new address is created, the system will automatically propagate the address change for household members if the PRIMARY_ADDR_PROPOGATION application parameter is set to AUTO or SELECT.
To mark a constituent's address as "BAD" in CRM360:
1. From
the Background Information task category in CRM360,
click Contact Information.
Additionally, from the CRM360 header, you can click the Edit
Contact Info link.
The Contact Information screen displays below the header in CRM360.
2. From the Address
section, click the Edit link next
to the address in which you want to mark as "BAD".
The Add Edit Address screen displays, as shown below.
3. From the Address Status drop-down, select "Bad".
4. Click Save
& Close.
The address is marked as "BAD" and will no longer display in
the Address section. To view bad address, select Include
Bad Address from the Address section wrench icon drop-down.