Creating a Follow-Up to a Contact Tracking Record in CRM360®

For example, you may want to call a customer in two weeks to verify he or she has no additional questions. The setup for a follow-up record is exactly the same as a contact tracking record.

Note.png You cannot create a follow-up record of a follow-up record. Follow-up records created from a follow-up record will just display as another follow-up to the parent record.

Note.png If, by creating a follow-up record, it is implied that the parent record is resolved, make sure to mark the parent record as complete.

To create a follow-up record:

1.    Open the appropriate constituent in CRM360.

2.    From the Background Information task category in CRM360, click Activity and Contact Tracking.
The list of activities and contact tracking records display below the header in CRM360.

3.    Double-click the contact tracking record in which you want to create a follow-up record.

4.    Click the Create Follow-Up link.
A new contact tracking record is opened in which the Contact Date and Due Date are set to today. Additionally, the Topic and Subject selected in the parent contact tracking record are carried over to the follow-up record.

5.    Proceed to select the appropriate contact tracking information.

6.    Click Save.
The record is added to the list of the constituent's activities and contact tracking records. Additionally, follow-up records will display below the parent record.