There are various reasons that a constituent's address needs to be changed, such as the constituent moved or there was a typo in the address. From the Contact Information screen in CRM360, you can perform the following actions related to constituent addresses:
· Change the address of the constituent (see below for more information)
If a constituent has only one address, then that address is considered the primary address by default. If a constituent has more than one address, then the addresses are ranked in order using to the Directory Priority field. The address with the lowest Directory Priority number is used as the primary address.
Every order in Personify requires a Bill-To address and a Ship-To address. Each constituent must have one address designated as the Bill-To address and one address designated as the Ship-To address. These addresses are used as the default addresses when an order is created for the constituent.
· If the constituent has only one address, then this address will be, by default, both the Bill-To and the Ship-To address.
· If the constituent has more than one address, then the Bill-To address may be the same address as the Ship-To Address, or they may be different addresses from each other.
When an order is created for a constituent, the Bill-To address for the constituent is used as the Bill-To address for the order, and likewise for the Ship-To address. At any time, whether when creating the order or some later point, the Bill-To and Ship-To addresses for the order may be changed to any other address, even to an address for a different constituent. When you change the primary address that has current (an open balance) or unfulfilled orders related to it, the Primary Address Propagation screen displays to select the orders for which you want to use the new primary address. For more information, please see Propagating the Primary Address to Orders. If you update or delete the Job Title on the primary address, the system will ask if you want to update or delete the primary job title of the customer. If you select “Yes”, the Primary Job Title on the Demographics tab will be updated.
the constituent's address is linked to another constituent, the address
fields are disabled and cannot be changed. To make a change to that address,
you must open the constituent who own the address record.
Shipping fees, tax, and zip-linked chapter products are calculated based on the constituent's address. If the address changes and the order line has not been invoiced, if the order line contains shipping fees, taxes, or a zip-linked chapter product, these may need to be recalculated. If a user simply edits their existing address, no change happens to any order lines (i.e., the Ship-To Address ID stays the same on the order line). Because no change is made to the order line, Personify does not know to recalculate shipping fees, tax, or zip-linked chapter product. Because of this, as of 7.4.2, logic has been implemented to prevent a user from editing an address if the Address ID of that address is being used as a ship-to address on any uninvoiced order line. Instead, users must mark the address they want to change as "Bad" and create a new address. Assuming the address is the constituent's primary address, the new address ID will propagate to open orders. The specific logic that was implemented was to not allow address updates if the address ID meets the following condition: If Exists (orders (Where ( (Subsystem <> ‘INV’ and order is not invoiced) OR (Subsystem = 'INV' and fulfill_status NOT in ('S', 'P') ) AND (Address exists as Order_Detail Ship to Address on the above Order) )