Advertising System Types and Codes

The following types and codes are not fixed and therefore must be set up.



AD_CATEGORY The classification of the advertisement. For example, Educational Ad, Informational Ad, or Product Ad. This field displays on the Ad Creative > Maintain Ad Classifications screen.
ADVERTISEMENT_STATUS The status of the advertisement within the process. For example, with the Advertiser, Artist, or Printer. This field displays on the Insertion Orders > Maintain Production Information screen.
ADVERTISER_CLASS The class of the advertiser. For example, Advertiser, Association, or Prospect. This field displays on the Advertiser Maintenance screen.
ADVERTISER_STATUS The status of the advertiser. For example, Active, Duplicate, or Inactive. This field displays on the Advertiser Maintenance screen.
AGENCY_CLASS The class of the agency. For example, Agency or Association. This field displays on the Agency Maintenance screen.
AGENCY_STATUS The status of the agency. For example, Active, Duplicate, or Inactive. This field displays on the Agency Maintenance screen.
APPLICATION_TYPE The type of application for a print display advertisement. For example, Photo Shop, HTML, Microsoft Word, or Adobe Acrobat. This field displays on the Ad Creative screen.
COLOR_KEY The color key that should be used for the advertisement in production. For example, Match Color or Pantone. This field displays on the Ad Creative screen.
COMPETITOR_JOURNAL The names of competing journals. For example, ABC Magazine. This field displays on the Competitor Journal screen.
CONTACT_TYPE The type of contact for the advertising contract. For example, Graphics Artist, Printer, or Programmer. This field is located on the Advertising Contracts > Maintain Contract Contacts screen.
CONTRACT_CLASS The class of the contract. For example, Affiliate Contract, Commercial Contract, or Print Contract. This field is located on the Advertising Contracts > Maintain Contract Details screen.
CONTRACT_STATUS The status of the contract. For example, Active, Cancelled, or Closed. This field is located on the Advertising Contracts screen.
CONTRACT_STATUS_REASON The reason the status of the contract would change. For example, Dissatisfied or Merger. This field is located on the Advertising Contracts > Maintain Contract Details screen.
CUSRELATION The advertising relationship classification. For example, Author, Product Manager, or Vendor.
FILE_TYPE The type of related file for the ad creative. For example, Bitmap Image, Brochure, or HTML file. This field is located on the Ad Creative > Maintain Related Files screen.
FREQUENCY_STATUS The status of the frequency commitment and fulfillment of the advertising contract. For example, Cancelled, Even, Over, or Short. This field is located on the Advertising Contracts > Maintain Frequency Information screen.
MATERIAL_TYPE The type of material that the print display is copied onto. For example, Disk, Film, or USB Key. This field displays on the Ad Creative > Maintain Print Ad Details screen.
MEDIA_CLASS A code that allows the organization to classify the media. For example, a sponsorship, a Web advertisement, or an advertisement in a journal. This field is located on the Advertising Media Maintenance screen.
MEDIA_SECTION A code that allows the organization to classify the media by section. For example, Classifieds for Rent, Classifieds for Sale, or Classifieds for Service. This field displays on the Ad Creative screen.
NEW_REUSE A code for new or reused. For example, New or Reused.
PAGE_ORIENTATION The orientation of the advertisement in production. For example, Landscape or Portrait. This field displays on the Ad Creative > Maintain Print Ad Details screen.
PAGE_POSITION The position of the advertisement in production. For example, Bottom, Bottom Center, Top Right, etc. This field displays on the
PC_MAC Select whether the print or internet display ad uses a PC or a MAC. This field displays on the Ad Creative > Maintain Print Ad Details screen.
PRODUCT_CATEGORY The category of the advertising product. For example, Manufacturing, Sales Automation, Technology, etc. This field displays on the Advertiser Maintenance and Customer Product Service screens.
PRODUCT_CLASS The classification of the advertising product. For example, Directory, Journal, or Publication. This field is located on the Advertising Product Maintenance screen.
PRODUCT_SUBCATEGORY The sub-category of the advertising product. This field displays on the Advertiser Maintenance and Customer Product Service screens.
RATE The rate code for the advertising contract or product. For example, 1 Time Ad, 2 Time Ad, or 3 Time Ad. This field is located on the Advertising Contracts screen and the Advertising Product Maintenance > Rates and Pricing screen.
RATE_CARD_YEAR The year the rate card is effective for the rate structure and code selected. This field is located on the Advertising Contracts screen.
UNIT The unit of measure used for the classified advertisement. For example, Inch, Line, or Word. This field is located on the Ad Creative screen.
WEB_DELIVERY_METHOD The method of delivery of the advertisement over the web. For example, Even, Exclusive, or Weighted.