Advertising Overview

The Advertising subsystem provides functionality to manage all of your advertising needs, from setting up advertising customers to setting pricing for advertisements.


The Advertising subsystem allows you to:

·            Create customers specific to advertising

·            Set up advertising product types

·            Create scheduling for advertisements

·            Create advertising media contacts

·            Create advertising type codes, size codes, color/Webmedia codes, etc.

·            Set up advertising pricing

·            Set up product cancellation fees


You can create advertising media for any media on which advertising can run, such as:

·            Issue-based print publications, such as journals and magazines

·            The Web

·            Inventoried products, such as books, CDs, coffee mugs, t-shirts, etc.

·            Meetings and exhibitions that solicit sponsors

·            Webcasts that solicit sponsors

·            Directories and other publications


Advertising media are defined by the type of media that they are. When an advertising media type is linked to a product, one of these Media Type Codes is automatically selected:

·            ISSUE_BASED – The advertisement runs in an issue of a print publication.

·            EXHIBITION_BASED – The advertisement is an exhibition sponsorship.

·            MEETING_BASED – The advertisement is a meeting sponsorship.

·            PRODUCT_BASED – The advertisement runs on a product that is typically an inventoried product, such as a calendar, mug, etc. The advertisement can also be a standalone product from the Exhibition, Facility, Fundraising, Miscellaneous, Membership, Certification, or Transcript subsystem.

·            STANDALONE_ADV – These advertisements are for miscellaneous advertising sales, such as affinity programs, rebates, webinars (if the webinar is not being defined as a meeting), etc.

·            TERM_BASED – This is for Web-based advertisements where the advertisement runs for a certain period of time (i.e., a week, a month, etc.).


When setting up and working with the Advertising subsystem, you should work under the Advertising Manager persona.


See also:

·            Advertising System Setup Workflow

·            Advertising System Types and Codes

·            Advertising Central Launch Screen