Adding Sales Representatives to a Contract

One or more sales representatives can be assigned to an advertising contract. When a sales representative is assigned to an advertising contract, the sales representative is automatically added to each insertion order eligible for sales commission linked to the contract. The Advertising Contracts Sales Reps screen allows you to add advertising sales representatives assigned to contract.

Note.pngBefore sales representatives can be added to a contract, they must be defined as sales representatives for the Advertising subsystem. More information on Sales Representatives is discussed later in this section.

To add sales representatives to a contract:

1.    From the Contract Details task category, click Maintain Contract Sales Reps.
The Advertising Contracts Sales Reps screen displays, as shown below.

2.    Click Add.
A new row is added to the grid and the accompanying fields become active.

3.    Click the Sales Reps link.
The Generic Chooser displays. Select the sales representative assigned to this advertising contract.

4.    Select the Begin Date and End Date the sales representative will be working on this contract.

5.    Enter any additional Comments in the text box.

6.    Click Save.