Accessing Advertising Contract Maintenance

To access advertising contracts:

1.    Using the Advertising Manager persona, from the toolbar, select Advertising Order Processing > Advertising Contract Maintenance.
The Advertising Contracts search screen displays, as shown below.

2.    From this screen, you can perform any of the following:

·            Enter the appropriate search criteria and click Search to open an existing contract in Advertising Contract Maintenance

·            Click Create New Contract to create a new advertising contract.

3.    Once you open a contract in Advertising Contract Maintenance, you can perform any of the following:

·            Adding Included Media

·            Maintaining Frequency Information

·            Adding Sales Representatives

·            Adding Contract Contacts

·            Commenting on Contracts

·            Adding a Group Contract

·            Adding a Primary Contract to a Group

·            Viewing Contract Analysis

·            Viewing Contract Pricing Summary

·            Cancelling a Contract

·            Viewing Media Rate Cards