The Maintain Media Contacts task from the Advertising Media task category allows you to view and/or add contacts related to this advertising media. This is optional and assumes that the contacts tracked here are not in the Customer table.
To add new media contacts:
1. From
the Advertising Media Maintenance
detail screen, click the Maintain
Media Contacts link from the Advertising Media task category.
The Advertising Media Contacts screen displays, as shown below.
2. Click
Add New Contact.
A new row appears in the grid and the Advertising Contact Detail fields
become active.
3. Select a Contact Type from the drop-down.
4. Enter the Contact Name in the text box.
5. Enter the contact’s Contact Title in the text box.
6. Enter the name of the contact’s Company in the text box.
7. Enter the contact’s Phone number in the text box.
8. Enter the contact’s Fax number in the text box.
9. Enter the contact’s Email address in the text box.
10. Click Save.
Screen Element |
Description |
Add New Contact | Button. When clicked, a new row is added to the grid and the Advertising Contact Detail fields become active. |
Delete Contact | Button. When clicked, the highlighted row from the grid and its accompanying information is deleted. |
Advertising Contact Detail |
Contact Type | Drop-down. Allows you to select the type of contact you are adding. For example, a graphic designer or printer. Values are populated based on the non-fixed ADV "CONTACT_TYPE" system type. |
Contact Name | Text box. The name of the contact person being added. |
Contact Title | Text box. The title the contact person holds. |
Company | Text box. The company for which the contact person works. |
Phone | Text box. The phone number of the contact person. |
Fax | Text box. The fax number of the contact person. |
Text box. The email address of the contact person. | |
Email This Contact | Button. When clicked, the email form displays with the contact’s email address populating the “To” field. |