Defining an Advertising Media

To define an advertising media:

1.    From the toolbar, select Advertising Setup > Advertising Media Definition.
From Advertising Central click the Advertising Media icon.
The Advertising Media Maintenance search screen displays.

2.    Click Create New Media.
The Advertising Media Maintenance detail screen displays, as shown below.
After this screen displays a Confirmation box displays asking, “Do you wish to link a Product to this Media?” Click “Yes” and the Product Chooser window displays. Search for and select the product to which this advertising media applies. The Media Type, Linked Parent Product, Linked Subsystem, and Linked Product Name fields all default based on the product chosen. You can change the Linked Product at any time by clicking the Product Code link.

3.    Enter the Media Code and Description in the text boxes.
TMA Resources recommends that the classified ad description include the media name. For example, instead of “Classified Ad,” the product would be called “JAMA - Classified Ad.” This is more informative on invoices and when searching for the product on the Order Entry Product Chooser.

4.    If necessary, uncheck the Active checkbox.

5.    Select the Media Class from the drop-down.

6.    If necessary, click the Publisher link to select the publisher.
The Customer Chooser window displays. Search for and select the publisher for this advertising media. The customer’s name displays as a link, which takes you to CRM360.

7.    Select the Invoice Rule from the drop-down.
This defaults based on the linked product, but can be changed.

8.    If necessary, select the Available to Invoice date from the drop-down.
The Available on Invoice drop-down is only active if “Custom” is selected as the Invoice Rule.

9.    Check the appropriate checkboxes:

·            Requires Contract

·            Internet Media

·            Automatically Add To New Contract

10.  In the Classified Ad Page Count Information section, select the Classified Ad Sales Unit from the drop-down.

11.  Enter the Classified Ad Units Per Page in the text box.

12.  Click Save.

Screen Element


Media Code Text box. This is the code used for this advertising media. This code is the parent product code for all advertising products associated with this media. When a linked product is selected, the media code defaults to the parent product of the linked product.
Description Text box. This is a description of the advertising media being created.
Active Checkbox. Indicates whether the advertising media is active.

Media Specifics

Media Type Drop-down. The type of media you are creating. For example, issue-based, product-based, or meeting-based.
Media Class Drop-down. A code that allows the organization to classify the media. For example, a sponsorship, a Web advertisement, or an advertisement in a journal.
Publisher Link. Opens the Customer Chooser. Allows you to choose a customer who is the publisher for this advertising media.
Invoice Rule Drop-down. When an advertising order is activated, the system must evaluate the invoice rule to determine whether the order line should be invoiced. The following is a list of available options:
  • Available Date - Used when the advertising media of the advertising product is linked to an inventory (INV) product. The order line is invoiced if the order line is activated on or after the Product.AVAILABLE_DATE of the product linked to the advertising media. Otherwise, the order line is invoiced by ADV620, or the user can manually invoice the order line by setting fulfill status to ‘A’.
  • Custom - Used when the date the insertion orders linked to the advertising media should be invoiced is a specific date. This invoice rule is typically used with standalone advertising products, such as a directory. Order lines with “CUSTOM” invoice rule are invoiced by ADV620 on or after the date defined in AVAILABLE_TO_INVOICE_DATE for the advertising media.
  • Fulfill Date - Used when the advertising media of the advertising product is linked to a subscription (SUB) product. The order line is invoiced if the order line is activated on or after the Sub_Issue.FULFILL_DATE of the subscription issue in the order line. Otherwise, the order line is invoiced by ADV620, or the user can manually invoice the order line by setting fulfill status to ‘A’.
  • Mtg Start Date - Used when the advertising media of the advertising product is linked to a meeting (MTG) product. Examples include an organization’s annual conference or webinars defined as meetings to facilitate registration. The order line is invoiced if the order line is activated on or after the Mtg_Product.START_DATE of the meeting linked to the advertising media. Otherwise, the order line is invoiced by ADV620, or the user can manually invoice the order line by setting fulfill status to ‘A’.
  • Order Date - Used when the organization wants the order line invoiced upon order activation date. Advertising order lines are typically created as active order lines, so typically the order activation date is the same as the order date. For organizations that define the default advertising order line status code to be ‘P’ (proforma), the order activation date will probably not be the same as the order date. If advertising order lines are created as proforma, they must be manually activated.
  • Term Start Date - Used when advertising will run for a period of time, such as web ads, banners on buildings, billboards, ads on kiosks, etc. The order line is invoiced if the order line is activated on or after the Order_Detail.CYCLE_BEGIN_DATE of the advertising order line. Otherwise, the order line is invoiced by ADV620, or the user can manually invoice the order line by setting fulfill status to ‘A’.
  • XBT Start Date - Used when the advertising media of the advertising product is linked to a exhibition (XBT) product. The order line is invoiced if the order line is activated on or after the Xbt_Product.START_DATE of the exhibition linked to the advertising media. Otherwise, the order line is invoiced by ADV620, or the user can manually invoice the order line by setting fulfill status to ‘A’.
Available to Invoice Drop-down. Allows you to define the date on or after which the insertion order for this advertising media is invoiced. This field only becomes active if the Invoice Rule selected is “Custom.”
Requires Contract Checkbox. Indicates whether this advertising media requires an advertising contract to purchase it. Most advertising products require a contract, though an exception could be classifieds.
Internet Media Checkbox. Indicates whether this advertising media is for the Internet. When an insertion order is created for a media product flagged as an Internet media, and a web rate code has been defined for an advertising contract linked to the order, the web rate code defaults into the insertion order.
Auto Add To New Contract Checkbox. When checked, the advertising media automatically is added to new advertising contracts.

Classified Ad Page Count Information

Classified Ad Sales Unit Drop-down. The unit of measure used for the classified advertisement.
Classified Ad Units Per Page Text box. This is the number of classified ad units per page.

Linked Product

Product Code Link. Opens the Product Chooser. Allows you to choose a product to which this advertising media is linked.
Linked Parent Product Read-only. Defaults based upon the product chosen from the Product Code link. Displays the linked parent product code.
Linked Subsystem Read-only. Defaults based upon the product chosen from the Product Code link. Displays the subsystem to which the linked product belongs.
Linked Product Name Read-only. Defaults based upon the product chosen from the Product Code link. Displays the name of the linked product.