Installing the Google Search Applicance

The Google Search Appliance (GSA) is a rack-mountable device created by Google that can be configured to work with your Personify application and deliver a free-text search solution for your organization’s Personify users. This free-text search, known as the Personify Unified Search functionality, scans the logged-in user’s Organization Unit  to  retrieve any customer and order entry records that contain the user-defined search entry. The GSA then uploads these search results into the Personify Unified Search ASPX page which displays within your Personify application.


The Google Search Appliance must be purchased separately and connected to your network and a local computer.


For more information and instructions on connecting the Google Mini or Google Search Appliance to the network and performing the initial software configuration, please refer to the Google documentation at the following site:


Before you connect the search appliance, make sure to complete the preinstallation checklists, documented in Planning for Search Appliance Installation section of the Google documentation located here:


The first time you start a Google Search Appliance, you may see an error message saying:

The battery hardware is missing or malfunctioning, or the battery is unplugged. If you continue to boot the system, the battery-backed cache will not function. Please contact technical support for assistance. Memory/battery problems were detected. The adapter has recovered, but cached data was lost.


The error message indicates that the power has drained from a rechargeable battery. The power drains when the Google Search Appliance has not been plugged in for a week, which may occur when the Google Search Appliance is being shipped to you. The Google Search Appliance has not lost data and will function normally. The battery recharges in the twenty-four hour period after the Google Search Appliance is powered up.


The Google Mini does not experience this problem.