Subscription Umbrella Product Review

Customers can rate your products and provide feedback on them via comments and a starring system. Once a product has been rated, you can review the comments and ratings via the Product Review screen.

Description: Note for TrainingThis screen will not appear until a customer has reviewed a product.

To manage reviews:

1.    Navigate to the Product Reviewscreen

2.    Search for and select the product you would like to manage; the Product Review Detail screen will appear as shown below

3.    In the Details section, you will see the following items:

·            Reviewer Name-the name of the customer that reviewed the product

·            Review Date-the date on which the review took place

·            Star Rating-on a scale of 1-5, whatever rating the reviewer gave the product

·            Inappropriate?-checkbox to mark whether or not the review content is inappropriate

·            Submitted By-date and time when the review was submitted

·            Comments-the comments the reviewer submitted with the review

4.    If you would like to delete a review, simple select the entry in the review column and click the Delete button.

5.    Click Save.