This batch process fulfills subscription issues for subscribers, members with member-benefit subscriptions, and named associates of members entitled to receive member-benefit subscriptions. Which records are selected for issue fulfillment is based on your organizations needs and the batch job setup. You can also run the batch process to send issues to customers with no subscription orders by using special customer selection parameters.
The SUB670 Subscription Issue Fulfillment batch process provides an “Issue-Selection” parameter which allows you to run your batch job in one of three modes (after first selecting from the standard Edit/Production modes):
· Automatic – Select and fulfill the next issue not currently fulfilled for a specific publication. Typically, issues are fulfilled using automatic issue-selection.
· Manual – Select and fulfill a specific issue number for a publication as defined by the user. Manual issue-selection requires that the issue number and supplement number be provided as parameter values for the process.
· Update Issue-Selection – Select and fulfill a previously fulfilled issue for orders that for some reason did not fulfill.
You must
run SUB670 to fulfill an issue before running SUB671 to fulfill back-issues
for the same issue.
This batch process executes the SUB670_PROCESS_SP stored procedure which completes the following actions:
· Verifies the specified issue of a publication is not already fulfilled (except when being run in Update issue-selection mode) and there is enough available quantity for the issue to be fulfilled.
· Verifies a good address exists for any subscriber, member, or customer selected by the batch job. If not, the record is added to the skipped report.
· Optionally, evaluates that subscribers and members with a balance due on their subscription or membership have paid enough for the issue being fulfilled, based on the calculated unit-cost of each issue. If not, the subscriber or member is put on the skipped report. This functionality only occurs if you set the “Only Process Paid Issues” parameter to “Y.”
· Generates a record in the Sub_Issue_Fulfillment table for each subscription issue being fulfilled. ISSUE_FULFILLMENT_TYPE_CODE = ‘P’ for regular production issue or ‘G’ for a grace issue. If a Grace issue had previously been fulfilled but the order was subsequently renewed, G is updated to T (for transferred) so that it is counted as a production issue on the renewed order.
· Creates a publisher’s audit report information for subscriptions set up for audit by executing the InsertSubAuditStats stored procedure which creates a record in Sub_Audit_Stats for each fulfilled issue. The process also evaluates whether the subscription order qualifies as a “Multi-Copy Same Addressee” subscription, and if so, updates the Sub_Audit_Stats.AUDIT_TYPE_CODE to ‘MC’ for the fulfilled issue. It does this by executing the usp_DetermineAndUpdateMultiCopyAuditType stored procedure.
· Creates a record in Order_Address_History with an address use code of “Label Fulfillment.”
· Updates
fulfilled quantity, fulfill date, and available issues on the Sub_Issue
record for the issue being fulfilled.
Note that if there are no issues to be fulfilled, running SUB670 does not
cause the fulfill date to be updated.
· Updates fulfill status for subscription orders by executing the SUB670_UpdateFulfillStatus_SP stored procedure. If the subscriber has a current order in grace but has paid a renewal order (i.e., Fulfill Status Code = ‘G’ and Renewal Date This Order is not null), the fulfill status on the order in grace is updated to E (expired) and the subscription issue is fulfilled on the renewed order.
Before running SUB670, TMA Resources recommends running CUS520 to ensure customers using seasonal addresses have their subscription fulfilled to the correct address. If the organization is using the U.S. post office’s address change service, TMA Resources also recommends running CUS540 to upload changed address information.
Since it is critical
for subscription issue fulfillment to have the correct address, organizations
may want to set the “CUS” application parameter “PRIMARY_ADDR_PROPAGATION”
to either “AUTO” or “SELECT”.
The “PRIMARY_ADDR_PROPAGATION” application parameter identifies if /how
changes to a customer’s primary address should propagate to current, open,
or unfulfilled orders for the customer using the previous primary address.
Setting this parameter to “AUTO” means the address change propagates automatically.
Setting this parameter to “SELECT” means the user is given the option to
select which orders should have the address updated.
SUB670 needs to be run before advertising invoices for ads in the issue being fulfilled are generated. The ADV660 Advertising Invoice process will not generate invoices for issues where the issue fulfill date is null.
If subscribers are making automated credit-card or direct-debit payments based on payment schedules, FAR680 and/or EFT680 should be run before SUB670 is run, so that subscriber current balance due amounts are correct.
Selection Logic
Subscribers and members/associate members receiving member-benefit subscriptions are selected for issue fulfillment if they meet the following conditions:
· If the publication is a print publication, the subscriber must have a good address. The process selects the subscriber’s address as follows:
o The process checks whether the ship-to address on the order is good and not of the address type “BLANK”
o If the subscriber’s order address is not good, the process checks whether the subscriber has any other good address
o If a good address cannot be found, the subscriber is skipped and appears on the exception report
· The subscription or membership cycle begin date is less than or equal to the issue date of the issue being fulfilled and the subscription or membership grace date is greater than or equal to the issue date of the issue being fulfilled.
· The subscriber must not have had the issue previously fulfilled
· The fulfill status on the order line cannot be ‘E’.
In addition, there must be sufficient available quantity of the issue. If the available quantity of the issue is less than the quantity that is needed to fulfill all subscriptions, then subscribers will be selected for issue fulfillment up to the quantity that is available. Subscribers who are not fulfilled will be selected to receive the unfulfilled issue by SUB671 back-issue fulfillment once enough quantity of the issue is available.
Customers who do not have subscription orders can be selected to receive an issue by using the “Supplemental Customer Selection” parameter and by providing values for the “Supplemental Rate Structure” and “Supplemental Rate Code” parameters, which will be used to create the Sub_Issue_Fulfillment record.
· Skipped Report – Lists all subscription orders not fulfilled, either because of a bad address or a partially paid order. For skipped orders, SUB670 sets the Order_Detail.BACK_ISSUES_FLAG back to “Y” so the order can be selected and evaluated again for fulfillment.
· Postal Zone Analysis Report – For the issue being fulfilled, calculates counts of issues fulfilled by each unique combination of Ship Via, Zip Code and Postal Zone
· Fulfillment Summary Report - For the issue being fulfilled, calculates counts of how many issues and copies that were fulfilled are for active orders vs. grace orders grouped by rate structure and rate code. Counts of labels generated are also calculated.
· On/Off Publication Report – For the issue being fulfilled, calculates counts of how many issues and copies that were fulfilled are the first issue/first copies being fulfilled on the order, the last issue/last copies being fulfilled on the order, a grace issue/grace copies being fulfilled or a regular issue/regular copies (i.e., not the first, not the last and not a grace issue). Counts of labels generated are also calculated.
· Publication Orders by Country/State – for the issue being fulfilled, calculates counts for members, subscribers and non-subscriber customers receiving the issue by country and state
· Publication Orders by Customer Class – for the issue being fulfilled, calculates the count of subscription orders and issues grouped by customer class and customer status.
· Labels - If the publication is a print publication, generates a label for each active subscriber or member due to receive an issue or generates a file that can be used by a fulfillment house to create labels. Users have the option of specifying whether the order quantity should also be printed on the label.
Three formats of labels are supported:
· Physical
labels (printed) – Avery (A4) label format. Data fields are mapped like
the following export layout:
[Ship Master Customer] – [Ship Sub Customer]
[Label Name]
[Formatted Label]
[Issue Sequence or Supplement Sequence] Note: is both issue and supplement
exist print supplement only
· Label file – See the table below.
· XML file – XSD is an XML Scheme Definition. DTD provides less ability to validate XML. Allows for strongly typed data types. Enforces the exchange between two people.
Parameter | Description | Required? |
Sub Title | Free Form text to be used as report sub title for printing.
Default Value: Leave Blank |
N |
Run Mode | This parameter has two modes EDIT and PROD.
Edit mode will not update the database only use the parameters
and query to select records for reporting. Prod mode
will also produce a report of records selected but will also update
the order tables.
Default Value: EDIT |
Y |
Org ID | Defaults to the Organization the end user is logged into when process is run. | Y |
Org Unit ID | Read Only parameter. Defaults to the Organization the end user is logged into when process is run. | Y |
Parent Code | Read Only parameter. Used to determine the Parent_product. This must be a product of subsystem type = ‘SUB’. | Y |
Product Code | Enter the parent product code to select
labels for. This is used in conjunction with the Product
Code to determine the journal to select labels for.
Default Value: Blank |
Y |
Issue Selection | Used to determine the Product_code. This
must be a product of subsystem type = ‘SUB’. If left blank all
Publications will be selected.
Default Value: Blank |
Y |
Manual Issue | Enter (A)utomatic to select the next issue
to be fulfilled from the database.
Enter (M)anual to manually control which issue is used for selection. When selecting (M)anual you must also provide a Manual Issue Number and Manual Supplement to be fulfilled.
Enter (U)pdate to reuse a previous fulfilled issue but to fulfill orders that may not have been selected for some reason. When selecting (U)pdate you must also provide a Manual Issue Number and Manual Supplement to be fulfilled.
N |
Manual Supplement | Select the issue number to be fulfilled. This parameter is mandatory when the "Issue Selection" parameter is selected as (M)anual or (U)pdate. | N |
Ship Location | Enter Ship Location. If not specified and "POSTAL_ZONE_ANALYSIS" parameter is set to Y then "Postal Zone Analysis Report" will not be generated. | N |
Bundle | NONE = Individual Label per copy of issue.
SUBSCRIBER = One Label per Subscriber Per Issue.
MULTIPLE = Aggregate all back issues by customer, that is, print one label that includes a list of all issues going to that customer.
Default Value: None |
Y |
File Generation | This parameter accepts three values:
Default Value: Split |
Y |
Break by Issue | If ‘Y’, then the label output will be generated
by issue. If ‘N’, then a single output file will be
created that will be sorted by the sort parameters. File Names
will be suffixed by Issue Seq and Supplement Seq.
Default Value: N |
Y |
Commit | This parameter specifies the number of records
which must be updated in the database at one time.
Defaults to 1. |
N |
Label Format | LABELS - Generates standard 3 up Avery labels
A4. This is the default.
FILE - Creates a comma-separated file. File export format is described in the next section.
XML - Generates an XML using label file field listing.
Default Value: Labels |
N |
Consolidation ID | Plain text user entered field to be included
in Label exports only.
Default Value: Blank |
N |
Process only Paid Issues | Set this parameter to Y to process only
those issues that have been fully paid in a partially paid subscription
Default value is N to process all issues.
If set to Y, if Subscription order balance = 0 then process as normal. Else Calculate: Amount of Sale + Adjustments divided by the number of issues for subscription = Cost per issue.
Divide the Amount Paid by the Cost per Issue = Number of Paid Issues (Note: in order to be considered paid an issue must be issues must be fully paid. Any partial payments should not be counted. i.e. Number of paid issues = 2.7 should be rounded to 2 and not 3)
Compare the number of Paid Issues to the Issues table to see if the current issue can be fulfilled.
Consider orders with scheduled payments as paid for this processing.
Set the Back Issue flag to true for cases where a paid issue is a Back Issue. For ‘N’ skip this processing.
Default Value: ‘N’ |
Y |
Supplemental Rate Structure | Enter in rate structure to be used for non-subscriber customers. Required when general customer selection is used. | N |
Supplemental Rate Code | Enter in rate code to be used for non-subscriber customers. Required when general customer selection is used. | N |
Postal Zone Analysis | Y/N Y will print this report N will not
print report.
Default Value: N |
N |
Fulfillment Summary | Y/N Y will print this report N will not
print report.
Default Value: N |
N |
On/Off By Publication | Y/N Y will print this report N will not
print report.
Default Value: N |
N |
Publication Orders by Country / State | Y/N Y will print this report N will not
print report.
Default Value: N |
N |
Publication Orders by Customer Class | Y/N Y will print this report N will not
print report.
Default Value: N |
N |
Print Quantity on Label | Set this parameter to Y to print order
quantity on label. Defaults to Y.
Default Value: Y |
N |
Use Address Change Service | If the flag is set to 'Y‘, labels are printed with the Intelligent Mail Barcode as the first line of the label. Appropriate values must be set for the Barcode Identifier, Service Type Identifier and Mailer ID parameters. When set to 'Y‘ the height of the label increases by one row. When set to 'N‘, the ACS format is ignored and the labels are printed without a barcode. | N |
Barcode Identifier | A two-digit value that indicates the degree of pre-sorting this mail piece received before being presented for mail delivery. Required if “Use Address Change Service” = “Y”. The Barcode ID generally should be left as “00”. The exception is for flat mail bundles with an optional endorsement line | N |
Service Type Identifier | A three-digit value representing both the class of the mail (such as first-class | N |
Mailer ID | A six or nine-digit number assigned by the USPS that identifies the specific business sending the mailing. Higher volume mailers are eligible to receive six-digit Mailer IDs | N |
Addition SQL Selection | Allows user to add an additional filter
based on fields in Order_Detail. Always use table name.column_name;
for example: Order_Detail.Order_No = '1000003613'
Default Value: 1=1 |
N |
Supplemental Customer Select | Allows user to add an additional filter
based on fields in Customer. Always use table name.column_name;
When this filter is used, Supplemental Rate Structure, Supplemental Rate Code are required. |
N |
Label Sort | Select any columns from SUB670_LABEL_VW
view for the purpose of sorting the Labels. Commonly used columns
to sort the Labels are POSTAL_CODE, COUNTRY_CODE, LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME. Defaults
N |
Report formats are the same for both SUB670 and SUB671. All reports use record set generated by the main program query.
Postal Zone Analysis
Report layout is for a laser printer portrait format. Group by Publication sort on Ship Via.
Fulfillment Summary
Report layout is for a laser printer portrait format. Group and sort on unique rate structure and rate code values
On/Off By Publication Report
Report layout is for a laser printer portrait format. Group and sort on Subscription Rate.
Publication Orders by Country / State
Report layout is for a laser printer portrait format. Group and sort on country code then state code.
Publication Orders by Customer Class
Report layout is for a laser printer portrait format. Sort on Customer Class, print one row for each unique occurrence of customer class and customer status.
Skipped Records
Report layout is for a laser printer portrait format. Sort by order number.