Publishing a Screen

Publishing a screen consists of uploading any customized or new screens onto the File Server so that those screens can be consumed by all other users


The Publishing Service works with the Screen Factory to compile the Code Behind from the XML to a .NET assembly. It also works with the Configuration Manager to merge the TASKS file and the XML file into a single XML file and embed it as a Resource file to the compiled assembly.

Note.pngThe Publishing Service also handles version control discussed in the next section.

To publish your newly created or modified screens:

·            From the menu bar, click File > Publish Screens.
The Publisher window displays all the screens from a developer’s Sandbox folder.

Note.pngOnly screens the developer has “Customize” permissions for can be published.


The window above provides a “Compile Only” button that allows you to verify if there are any compilation errors.


The “Status” column indicates any compilation errors. The text will display red if there are any errors or green for a successful compilation. To view error details, select the screen with the error from the grid and click the Error Details link.


After the screens are published successfully, the Publishing Service works with the Broadcasting Service to notify other users.

Note.pngThis is an optional service and it is up to the discretion of the developer whether or not to employ it.