1. Launch the Personify application.
2. From
the main Personify toolbar, click the Reports menu icon and select Data
Alternatively, you can click Open Data Analyzer from the Analytics
section of the Home Page.
The Data Analyzer application appears within the Personify application.
Data Analyzer defaults to the Infoview home page.
3. In
the Navigate section, click Document
A hierarchical menu of your document folders appears on the left (defaulted
to All) with any documents or further folders within the selected folder
on the hierarchical menu listed in the main panel.
By default, everyone has a My Favorites, Inbox, and Public Folders folder,
but you may add to this.
4. Expand
the Public Folders menu
under All in the hierarchical menu.
A Personify[your version] folder displays which includes all sample reports
delivered with your version of Personify.
5. Expand
the Personify[your version]folder.
A list of folders broken down by universe displays containing all sample
reports, dashboards, and XML queries for each universe.
6. Click
on a universe to view the reports, dashboards, and XML queries associated
with that universe.
You can perform a number of tasks from this page, including running or
viewing a report, scheduling a report, changing report properties, etc.
You can also expand the universe folder for the option to view just the
reports/dashboards or just the XML queries.