Home > Notifications > Setting Up Notification Events > Creating Notification Cc/Bcc Recipients Based on Data Conditions
As you’ve learned, when setting up the stored procedure for a notification, you can enter in various data conditions to determine which customers receive the email notification. Similarly, you can also enter in various data conditions to determine which users receive a Cc or Bcc of the email notification.
To configure the Cc/Bcc recipients based on data conditions:
1. Open your notification event procedure in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio or any other SQL script editor.
2. Navigate
to the SELECT > /* Email Address */ section
of the code and locate the [CC] and [BCC] sections similar to those highlighted
in the screenshot below.
3. Next to the [CC] column, enter in the desired data conditions you want the system to consider when selecting the Cc recipients.
4. Next to the [Bcc] column, enter in the desired data conditions you want the system to consider when selecting the Bcc recipients.
5. Save the file.