After configuring your e-Business portal to support multiple currencies as well as provide your users with the option of changing their preferred currency, your last step is to add the Personify - ChangePreferredCurrency module to each of your product pages.
The Personify - ChangePreferredCurrency module provides your users with a link to your Name & Contact Preferences page (or whichever page you added the Personify - CustomerPreferences module to) so that your users can change their preferred currency at any point in their shopping trip.
After users click the ChangePreferredCurrency link on your Customer Preferences page and click Update, they are immediately directed back to the product page they were viewing when they clicked the ChangePreferredCurrency link.
instructions in this section only detail how to add the ChangePreferredCurrency
link to one product page. Make sure you repeat this step for every product
page you wish to provide your users with the option of changing their
preferred currency (e.g., Product Listing, Product Detail, One-Click Meetings,
Subscriptions, etc.)
To add the ChangePreferredCurrency link to a product page:
1. Ensure you are logged into your e-Business site as a Host.
2. Navigate
to a product page.
For example, a page containing the Personify - ProductDetail module.
3. Select
the "Personify - ChangePreferredCurrency" module from the Module drop-down.
All Personify Web Module have the prefix “Personify -”.
4. If
necessary, enter a different Title for
the web module.
This allows you to create custom names for each web module.
5. Select the Visibility as Same As Page.
6. Select
the Pane in which you want the
web module to display.
For example, ContentPane.
7. Select
where you want to Insert the web module from the drop-down.
For example, select Top to ensure the ChangePreferredCurrency link
displays above all other modules on the page.
8. Click
The Personify - ChangePreferredCurrency web module displays on your page.
9. Click
the down arrow next to the Personify - ChangePreferredCurrency module
and select Edit Module Settings.
The Edit Module Settings screen displays.
10. For
the Preferred Currency URL, select the page with the Personify - CustomerPreferences
module added to it.
For example, the Name & Contact Preferences page.
11. Click Update.
Now, when users are logged into your organization’s e-Business website, they will see the ChangePreferredCurrency link on all pages you added it to.
By clicking this link, users are directed to your page containing the Personify - CustomerPreferences module where they can change their preferred currency before being directed back to the product page they were last viewing. The products listed on that page now have their prices displayed in the new preferred currency.