Creating a Receipt for a Membership Order

Once a membership product(s) has been added to the order and shipping information has been defined where necessary, a receipt for the order should be created in order to activate the order. A partial or full payment can be made towards the order or, if necessary, a payment schedule can be setup to automatically charge a credit card or debit an electronic fund on a set schedule.

To create a receipt for a membership order:

1.    Access the Step 3: Payment Information tab.
If a batch is not currently open, you are prompted to open a batch for processing. Click “Yes” and select the batch from the list.

2.    Click Create New Receipt.

Note.pngAs of 7.4.0SP1, if your order contains multiple line items and one or more of the line items is a cash FND product, the Receipt Entry screen will display when you click Create New Receipt, as shown below.

Note.png If applicable, to view any unapplied receipts or credit balances for the bill-to customer and apply the amount(s) available to the order, click Transfer Credit Balance. Only posted receipts will display.

3.    From the Receipt Information section (highlighted below), enter the appropriate information:

a.    Select the Receipt Type from the drop-down.
Available receipt type options are defined for the org unit of the logged in user. For more information, please see Defining Organization Unit Receipt Types and Cash Accounts.

b.    The Amount defaults to the Order Balance. Change this, if necessary.

c.    Change the Currency, if necessary.
Please note that changing the Currency may result in a change to the Amount.

d.    If you selected “Check”, enter the Check Number.

e.    If you selected “Check” or “Cash”, enter the PO Number.

f.      If the Payor is different from the bill-to customer, click the link and search for a payor.
The payor is the individual, customer, company, or committee who pays for the order, who may not necessarily be the customer.

Note.png If the bill-to customer is changed on the Step 2: Shipping Information tab, the Payor is changed automatically.

g.    Enter any Comments as necessary.

4.    If a credit card was selected as the Receipt Type, enter payment information in the Credit Card Information section (highlighted below):

a.    Verify that the appropriate credit card is selected as the Receipt Type in the Receipt Information section above.

Note.png Alternatively, if credit card information is on file for the customer, click Retrieve Credit Card of Record to automatically populated the appropriate information.

b.    Enter the Credit Card number.

c.    Enter the Issuer.

d.    Enter the Security Number. This number is typically three digits and is located on the back of the credit card.

e.    Select the Start Date and Expiration date from the drop-downs.

f.      Enter the Authorization number.

g.    Verify the Address on Credit Card is correct. If not, then modify it.

Note.png If you would like to save the credit card information on record for future use, click the Make this Credit Card of Record.

5.    Click Save.
A message is displayed that the payment has been applied to the order and the order becomes Active.