Understanding the Donor360® Overview Section

The Donor Overview section of the Donor360 screen (highlighted below) displays quantitative and qualitative data that should be helpful to most Personify users at-a-glance when they first pull up a donor record. Organizations that wish to remove a screen element from this screen can do so via the Application Designer.




The Donor Overview section displays the following information:

·            Donor Class: select a classification of the donor by selecting a code from the drop-down. Values are populated based on the non-fixed FND "DONOR_CLASS" system type.

·            Last Gift: displays the amount of the donor's most recent donation. The date of this gift displays to the right of the amount.

·            Largest Gift: displays the amount of the donor's largest donation. The date of this gift displays to the right of the amount.

·            Gift This/Last Year: displays the total amount of donations by this donor for this calendar year and last year.

·            Lifetime Giving: displays the total amount of all donations across all years by this donor.

·            Pledge Balance: displays the total amount of past due pledge amounts for this donor.

·            Primary Role: displays the donor's primary constituent role code.

·            Other Role(s): if defined, displayed all other non-primary constituent role codes defined for this constituent.

·            Acknowledge As: enter the name that should appear in thank you letters in the "List donor as" field to this donor.

·            Anonymous: check this checkbox if the donor's name should be suppressed on all thank you letters.

·            Spouse: Enter the name of the donor's spouse.

·            Spouse Birthday: Select the donor's spouse's birthday from the drop-down.

·            Children: Enter the names of the donor's children in the text box, using a comma to separate them.

·            Primary Family Contact: if assigned, displays a link to the donor's primary family contact. If no primary family contact has been assigned, "None Assigned" displays.

·            Employer Matches Gifts: if the donor's primary employer has an active matching gift plan, this checkbox will be checked. This field is read-only. For more information, please see Creating a Matching Gift Plan.

·            View Current Plans: if the donor's primary employer has an active matching gift plan, this link will display. Click this link to open the Matching Gift Providers screen for the employer.

·            Employer is a Foundation: if the donor's primary employer's record is selected as being a foundation, the checkbox will be checked. This field is read-only. For more information, please see Creating a Matching Gift Plan.