FND710 – Donor Class and Status Update Process

This batch process collects and displays information on customer donation statuses. It will list Customer IDs and Name, label them with a status (e.g., New Donor or Renewal Donor), and display how much they have donated in the current year and past year.


The Subtitle field allows you to enter in a subtitle (report header) for the report. It displays with the report output.


The Job Submission screen allows you to run the report in EDIT or PROD (Production) mode. Edit mode does not update the Personify database, but it will produce a report. Production mode updates the database and generates a report. If the Create Report checkbox is checked, a report will be generated. If left unchecked, it will not generate a report.


The Primary Sort On field allows you to sort the FND_CUSTOMER/CUSTOMER table based on any field in that table (SQL).


Under the Advanced Parameters tab, the Filter Criteria field can be used to limit updates in the Personify database and what is displayed in the final report.


The finished report will display Customer ID, Donor Name, Donor Class, Donor Status, Amount Donated in the Current Year, and Amount Donated in the Past Year.


Parameter Description Required?
SubTitle The report subtitle as you want it to print as part of the report header. No
Organization ID Read-only. Set to the organization ID of the person running the report. Read-only
Organization Unit ID Read-only. Sets to the organization ID of the person running the report. Read-only

Mode in which the report runs:

·            EDIT – prints the report.

·            PROD – prints the report and updates the database tables.

Create Report Whether or not to create the report. Yes