Donations Overview

In the Fundraising subsystem, you can enter a simple gift, flexible gift, or rapid donation receipt entry. The Simple Gift Entry screen allows you to quickly enter a gift donation. The Flexible Gift Entry screen provides more options for entering a gift, but this screen is designed to make entering a gift simple. The Rapid Donation Receipt Entry form allows associations to quickly enter large amounts of donations.

Note.pngDonation Entry screens do not support foreign currency data entry. However, to make a foreign currency donation, use the Order Entry screen instead of the Donation Entry screens described below.

The valid types of donation gifts include:

·            Asset

·            Cash – Only activated when cash is applied.
Fundraising cash products are different than any other product in Personify. Fundraising cash products get their value from the receipt. No sales transaction details are created for a fundraising cash product, and there is never any AR amount associated with a FND cash product. Whether a fundraising cash product is defined with a $0 price or with a price that is greater than $0 is irrelevant; the system updates the order line unit price and base total amount to whatever payment amount is applied. 

·            In-kind

·            Matching Gift

·            Memo

·            Planned Giving

·            Pledge – Activated with or without an applied receipt.

·            Stock

Note.pngZero-priced gifts are not activated even with a price update. You must apply a receipt.

When a customer makes a donation, the customer is automatically added to the FND_Prospect table.

Below is a description of the lifecycle of a donation product:

Task Line Status Fulfill Status
When you add a donation product to your order Defaults to ACTIVE Defaults to ACTIVE
When PARTIAL payment is made to the donation product (Short Pay Code = ADJUST) ACTIVE No change to Fulfill Status
When FULL payment is made to the donation product (Short Pay Code = ADJUST) ACTIVE No change to Fulfill Status
When you cancel a donation product Changes from ACTIVE to CANCELLED No change to Fulfill Status