Defining Solicitors

Utilizing this screen, you can define solicitors, as well as optionally assign them to specific donors and solicitation teams. Solicitors are linked to prospects via the Fnd_Prospect_Solicitor_Team table, rather than adding the solicitor to the order line. They are tracked in the Fnd_Solicitor table. You can also define yearly goals for the solicitor, which are tracked in the Fnd_Solicitor_Goal table.

To define solicitors:

1.    Select Fundraising Setup > Fundraising Launch on the toolbar.

2.    Select Maintain Solicitors from the Fundraising Setup task category.

3.    Click Add.
The Solicitor Maintenance screen displays, as shown below.

Note.pngFrom the Solicitor Metrics tab, the donation totals include donations created via non-FND products, such as MBR and MTG.

4.    Click the Solicitor link and search for a customer to define as a solicitor.

5.    Select the Begin Date and End Date from the drop-down menus.

6.    On the Solicitor Metrics tab, review the metrics for the selected solicitor.

7.    On the Prospects tab (shown below), perform the following to assign a donor to the solicitor:

a.    Click Add.

b.    Click the Prospect link and search for a customer to add as a prospect.
Please note if you try to assign a solicitor to a prospect who already has at least one current, active solicitor assignment, the system will prompt you to choose whether to assign the new solicitor and end the other solicitor assignments, assign the new solicitor but leave the other solicitor assignments as current and active, or do not assign the new solicitor.

Note.pngIf you chose to assign the new solicitor and end the other solicitor assignment, the system will set the solicitor End Date to today's date minus one.

c.    Select the Begin Date and End Date from the drop-down menus.

d.    Select the appropriate Campaign, Fund, and Appeal related to the prospect.

e.    Click the View Prospect’s Moves Plan(s) to search for and view prospect moves plans.

f.      Repeat the steps above to add as many prospects as necessary.

8.    On the Team Links tab (shown below), perform the following to add a solicitor to a solicitation team:

a.    Click Add.

b.    Click the Team link and search for the appropriate team.

c.    Select the Solicitor Role from the drop-down menu.

d.    Select the Begin Date and End Date from the drop-down menus.

e.    Select the appropriate Campaign, Fund, and Appeal related to the solicitation team.

f.      Repeat the steps above to add as many Solicitation Team links as necessary. Please note that if you try to add another solicitation team with the same dates as an existing team link, the system will prompt you to continue.

9.    On the Yearly Goals tab (shown below), perform the following to add yearly goals for the solicitor:

Note.pngWhen adding a new yearly goal to a donor or prospect, the system validates the uniqueness on org/org unit, Goal Begin Date, Solicitor, Campaign, Appeal, Fund, Expected Donation Type, and Fiscal Year.

a.    Click Add.

b.    If necessary, change the Year.

c.    Select the appropriate Campaign, Appeal, and Fund related to the yearly goals.
You can select one option for any combination of campaign, appeal, and fund.

d.    Select the Expected Donation Type from the drop-down menu.

e.    Enter the Target Giving Amount.

f.      If necessary, select the Goal Begin Date and Goal End Date from the drop-down menus.

g.    Repeat the steps above to add as many yearly goals as necessary.

10.  On the Prospect Donation Analysis tab, use the filters to review the giving analysis information by date, as shown below.

11.  On the Solicitor’s Own Donations tab, use the filters to review the solicitor’s donations by date, as shown below

12.  The Credit Transactions tab is a view only review of all hard and soft credits given to the solicitor. These will include the solicitor's donations (hard credits) as well as their prospect's donations when they receive soft credits. Double-click a transaction in the grid to open the Donation Entry screen.

13.  On the Comments tab, enter any Comments related to the solicitor, as shown below.

14.  Click Save.

Screen Element Description

Solicitor Maintenance

Solicitor Link. When clicked, the Customer Chooser displays. Search for the appropriate customer to add as a solicitor.
Begin Date Drop-down. The start date of the solicitor.
End Date Drop-down. The last date for the solicitor.

Solicitor Metrics

Number Of Assigned Prospects Read-only. Identifies the number of active prospect assignments (current and future) that exist for the solicitor open in the Solicitor Management screen that belong to the org unit of the logged-in user (i.e., the number of records in Fnd_Customer_Solicitor_Team table where MASTER_CUSTOMER_ID is the id for the prospect and SOLICITOR_MAST_CUST is the id for the solicitor and END_DATE is null or is greater than or equal to the system date).
Number Of Active Solicitation Plans. Read-only. Identifies the number of active moves management solicitation plans that exist for the solicitor open in the Solicitor Management screen that belong to the org unit of the logged-in user (i.e., the number of records in Fnd_Prospect_Moves_Plan table where MASTER_CUSTOMER_ID is the id for the prospect and SOLICITOR_MAST_CUST_ID is the id for the solicitor and the moves plan status code is PENDING).
Number Of Plan Activities This Month Read-only. Identifies the number of moves management solicitation activities associated with the solicitor’s active moves management solicitation plans that have a projected completion date in the current month and that belong to the same org unit as the logged-in user (i.e., the number of records in Fnd_Prospect_Moves_Plan_Task table where the TASK_STATUS_CODE is either ACTIVE or PENDING and PROJECTED_COMPLETION_DATE is in the current month).
Raw Pipeline Value Read-only.
Weighted Pipeline Value Read-only.
Total Prospect Donations Linked To Solicitor Read-only.
Total Prospect Donations YTD Linked To Solicitors Read-only.
Total Donations Made by Solicitor Read-only.
Total Donations YTD Made by Solicitor Read-only.


Add Button. When clicked, a donor is assigned to the solicitor.
Delete Button. When clicked, the highlighted donor is deleted from the solicitor.
Prospect Link. When clicked, the Donor Constituent Chooser displays. Search for the appropriate customer to add to the solicitor.
Begin Date Drop-down. The start date the donor is assigned to the solicitor.
End Date Drop-down. The last date the donor is assigned to the solicitor.
Campaign Link. The campaign associated with the donor.
Fund Link. The fund associated with the donor.
Appeal Link. The appeal associated with the donor.
View Prospect’s Moves Plan(s) Link. When clicked, the Prospect Moves Plan Management search screen displays.

Team Links

Add Button. When clicked, the solicitor is added to a team.
Delete Button. When clicked, the highlighted team is deleted from the solicitor.
Team Link. When clicked, search for a solicitation team to add to the solicitor.
Solicitor Role Drop-down. The classification of the solicitor on the solicitation team. For example, Solicitor or Manager.
Begin Date Drop-down. The start date the solicitor is assigned to the team.
End Date Drop-down. The last date the solicitor is assigned to the team.
Campaign Link. The campaign associated with the solicitation team.
Fund Link. The fund associated with the solicitation team.
Appeal Link. The appeal associated with the solicitation team.

Yearly Goals

Add Button. When clicked, a yearly goal is added for the solicitor.
Delete Button. When clicked, the highlighted yearly goal is deleted from the solicitor.
Year Text box. The year the yearly goal takes place.
Campaign Link. The campaign associated with the yearly goal. You can link any combination of a campaign, appeal, and fund to a yearly goal.
Appeal Link. The appeal associated with the yearly goal. You can link any combination of a campaign, appeal, and fund to a yearly goal.
Fund Link. The fund associated with the yearly goal. You can link any combination of a campaign, appeal, and fund to a yearly goal.
Expected Donation Type Drop-down. The type of donation expected from the prospect.
Target Giving Amount Text box. The goal amount of money raised for the year.
Actual Giving Amount Read-only. The actual amount of money raised for the year. This is automatically calculated by Personify.
Goal Begin Date Drop-down. The start date the yearly goal will begin calculating. This field (along with the Goal End Date field) is only used if the organization wants to define a goal for the solicitor for a period of time other than the fiscal year.
Goal End Date Drop-down. The last date the yearly goal will begin calculating. This field (along with the Goal Begin Date field) is only used if the organization wants to define a goal for the solicitor for a period of time other than the fiscal year.
Recalculate Actual Giving Amount Button. On select the total actual amount from the solicitor as the bill-to is calculated.  It will use the dates if entered to filter by receipt date.

Prospect Donor Analysis

Begin Date Drop-down. Enter a date to display the giving results by a start date.
End Date Drop-down. Enter a date to display the giving results by an end date.
Redisplay Button. Click to display giving analysis results based on the filter criteria selected.

Solicitor’s Own Donations

Begin Date Drop-down. Enter a date to display the giving results by a start date.
End Date Drop-down. Enter a date to display the giving results by an end date.
Redisplay Button. Click to display giving analysis results based on the filter criteria selected.
Campaign Link. The campaign associated with the yearly goal. You can link any combination of a campaign, appeal, and fund to a yearly goal.
Appeal Link. The appeal associated with the yearly goal. You can link any combination of a campaign, appeal, and fund to a yearly goal.
Fund Link. The fund associated with the yearly goal. You can link any combination of a campaign, appeal, and fund to a yearly goal.

Credit Transactions

Donor Link. The donor on the donation.
Txn Date Read-only. The date the transaction occurred.
Soft Credit Read-only. Whether or not the donation received soft credits. Soft credits can be given to the solicitor linked to the donor for Cash and Pledge fundraising products. All other fundraising products (including credits entered manually) are considered soft credits.
Gift Type Read-only. This is the type of product added as a transaction. For example, Pledge, Asset, or Cash. When a fund credit is created for a donor based on an order or a payment, the description of the Product Type Code in the order line populates here. If you created the credit manually, this field displays as a drop-down allowing you to select a value.
Credit Amount Read-only. The amount of credit given.
Credit Role Read-only. The role of the credit.
Description Read-only. The description of the donation.
Campaign Read-only. The campaign related to the transaction.
Fund Read-only. The fund related to the transaction.
Appeal Read-only. The appeal related to the transaction.
Print Date Read-only. The date an acknowledgement letter was generated for the donor
Comments Read-only. Any comments related to the transaction.


Comments Text box. A free-form field used to enter additional information on the solicitor.