Adding Tribute Information to a Donation

Using the Tribute Information tab on the Simple Gift Entry or Donation Entry screen, you can define a tribute on-the-fly and send a notice or letter to someone related to the tribute without expecting the donor to know the details.

Note.pngThis tab is available for any donation type.

To add tribute information:

1.    From the Simple Gift Entry or Donation Entry screen, access the Tribute Info tab, as shown below.

2.    Select the Tribute Type from the drop-down menu.
The In Tribute To Constituent link is enabled.

3.    Click the In Tribute To Constituent link and search for the constituent who the gift is in tribute to.

4.    Check the Create Soft Credit checkbox, if necessary.
Soft credits can be created for the donor for Cash and Pledge fundraising products. All other fundraising products (including credits entered manually) are considered soft credits.

5.    Enter any Free-form Tribute text, if necessary.

6.    Click Save.