Uploading DCD Files

The DCD Download Files task is where you actually upload the product you are selling. This screen allows you to upload the DCD product, create a description of the product, create copyright information, etc.

Note.pngSince Personify allows you to add more than one file per DCD product, on your e-Business website the “Add to Cart” button will not be available from the Product Listing. Your customers must view the DCD product’s Product Detail screen and select which files they want to download before adding the product to their shopping cart.

To upload digital content:

1.    From the Subsystem Specific task category, click DCD Download Files.
The Digital Content screen displays, as shown below.

2.    In the Files Available Through this Product Code section, click Add File.
A new line is added to the grid and the Component Product section becomes active.

3.    Click the Upload File link.
The Open window displays. Search for and open the digital file you want to add as part of the product.

4.    Enter the Document Title in the text box.

5.    Click Edit Text above the Description text box.
The HTML Editor Dialog window opens. Enter a description of this digital file and click OK.

6.    If you want copyright information to display along with the DCD product, check the Display Copyright checkbox.

7.    Click Edit Text above the Copyright Text text box.
The HTML Editor Dialog window opens. Enter your copyright information and click OK.

8.    If you want to limit the amount of times a customer can download this file, check the Limit Downloads checkbox.

a.    Enter the Max. number of Downloads.

b.    In the From Purchase Date, Download Allowed For box, enter a number for the time you want the product to be available for download after being purchased.

9.    Select the File Available From date for this file.

10.  If necessary, enter the File Available Until date for this file.

11.  Click Save

12.  View the file that you have uploaded by clicking the Preview link.


Screen Element Description

Files Available Through this Product Code

Add File Button. When clicked, a new row is added to the grid and the Component Product fields become active.
Delete File Button. When clicked, the highlighted row is removed from the grid and any information in the Component Product fields is lost.

Component Product

File Name Text box. The name of the file being uploaded.
Upload File Link. When clicked, the Open window displays and you can find the file on your system that you want to upload.
Document Title Text box. Allows you to create a friendly name for the file being uploaded.
Preview Link. Allows you to preview the product you are creating. You can only preview the product after uploading the file and creating a Document Title.
Description Text box. Displays the description you created for the file.
Edit Text Button. When clicked the HTML Editor Dialog window displays and allows you to enter either the product’s description or copyright information.
Display Copyright Checkbox. When checked, any copyright information you add to the product will display on the Web.
Copyright Text Text box. Displays the copyright information you added to the file.

Limit Downloads

Limit Downloads Checkbox. When checked, a customer can only download the DCD product a specified amount of times and/or within a specified time limit.
Max. Number of Downloads Text box. Allows you to set the number of times the DCD product can be downloaded by a customer.
From Purchase Date, Download Allowed For   Text box. Displays the number of days or months after the order date that the product is available for download.
Drop-down. Allows you to choose whether the amount entered in the “From Purchase Date, Download Allowed For” text box is for Days or Months.
File Available From Drop-down. The date from which this file is available to purchase.
File Available Until Drop-down. The date this file is no longer available for purchase.